Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Philosophy of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My Philosophy of Management - Essay Example They range from reduced costs, improved quality of products and services, increased employee involvement, higher employee retention, reduced conflict, reduced absenteeism, enhanced creativity and innovation, and better adaptability and flexibility. In fact, a team can be defined as a group of people who enjoy autonomy in decision-making and creativity. In the absence of bureaucracy, this team is able to function without friction and develop a common vision. Realization of teamwork is followed by the elimination of ‘us vs. them’ attitude. Thus, my opinion is that an organization should be flat. Another important point that supports this assumption is that all people love to feel useful, important, successful, proud and respected. In an organization with high degree of bureaucracy and hierarchy, it is highly possible that many employees feel unused, disrespected and anonymous. However, as the organization becomes flat, employees are more likely to feel equal and important. The Means of Motivating Employees My efforts to motivate employees are based on the understanding that everyone has the desire to be justly and fairly acknowledged and appreciated in public. Thus, my philosophy will be to ‘applaud in public and reproach in private’. First of all, when employees achieve something, recognition and appreciation will be ensured in public. As studies show, motivation and positive feedback are positively correlated to work performance and various other factors like employee retention. Another important point is that this reward and recognition will be as fair and open as possible. This is so because if employees feel that certain employees are given a more favorable treatment, there will be further decline in their morale. So, when there is reward or recognition, it will be ensured that the reward system is fair and transparent. There are various studies which support this opinion. To illustrate, Wayne, Shore, Bommer &Tetrick (2002) proved t hat perceived organizational support is influenced by various factors including leader-member exchange, procedural and distributive justice, and feelings of inclusion and recognition. Also, the scholars point out that reward and punishment systems are important factors in deciding perceived organizational support. The next important point is punishment. It is highly necessary to be careful about using punishments because punishment has less positive and more negative effects, according to scholars. According to Milbourn (1996), punishment only curbs an undesirable behavior; and it does not make an employee demonstrate a desirable behavior. The mere fact is that punishment leads to fear, psychological distress and the feeling of humiliation, especially when it happens in public. So, my assumption is to replace punishment with positive reinforcement and one-to-one guidance. First of all, there will be clear guidelines regarding every aspect of the workplace and employee conduct. Adher ence to the same will be appreciated and applauded in public. When it is found that an employee errs, the same will be immediately brought to his notice. However, when it is found that the mistake is even more serious, the employee will be met in private and the details discussed without the fear of punishment. Thus, by using positive reinforcement instead of punishment, an organization can increase the possibility of developing desirable behavior in employees. The most Suitable Organizational Structure There are various organizational structures

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