Thursday, September 26, 2019


BUY LOCAL FROM New Brunswick, Canada INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FIRMS - Research Paper Example By the early 1990s companies identified the problem and thereafter they have been working to solve the difficulties of associated with retaining the talented employees (Mitchell, Holtom, Lee, T, & Graske, 2001). Internal Policies It is also important to note that management and usage of ICT systems are two different fields because the former function lies with the technical staff that has the duty and responsibility of keep the infrastructure up and running. Yet, the second function lies with the managerial staff that should have the ability of extracting and using information from the ICT systems to make effective business decisions. The companies are offering flexible timing, paid leaves, casual dressing and regular increase in the pay for core employees in every department of the organization. The organizations are also known to encourage employees to identify the need of enhancement in the current technology level that will help them in keeping up with the technological level of the industry (Brady, Brookes, & Fellenz, 1986). According to many researchers the technological advancements will define the leaders in the industry. In the light of above argument, it can be established that employees who have the ability to manage ICT systems and those who can use them to make business decisions will define the competitive advantage of the companies in near future (Eriksson, Niitamo, & Kulkki, 2005). Economic Incentives The companies that are currently engaged in the practice of acquiring advanced ICT systems are suggested to offer well to excellent incentives to the staff so that their tendencies to leave the job can be minimized (Doran, et al., 2006). Moreover, it would not be a bad idea to evaluate and analyze the ability of new recruits to understand and comprehend routine technological tasks. Additionally the companies are suggested to buy those ICT systems that are well aligned with the current technological awareness of the employees. The companies should a lso make sure that they do not initiate company-wide technology change more often. It is better to bring system changes within operational level to increase the productivity. The companies should buy those technologies that will help them in driving down the cost because in latest organizational strategy cost control is one of the most important facets. Finally it is necessary for the organizations to hire technology experts as employees because in this form of employment they can resolve the issues more swiftly than in the capacity of consultants. Technology consultants are also notorious for delaying the process of repairs that causes productivity of the entire organization to diminish. External Challenges As mentioned earlier that companies are facing the challenge of retaining employees therefore they have to keep the jobs interesting and on the other hand companies are required to pay excellent wages and salaries to the employees. The intelligent companies always ensure that th ey are paying higher compensations in comparison to the competitors because money and financial well-being is a noted method of growing organizational commitment in the staff. Another modern technique to enhance organizational commitment is to develop a participative model of decision making in the company so that everyone can feel as a part of the organization (Vroom & Jago, 1978). The companies are also anticipated to establish strong personality-

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