Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Artist Is Present Challenging Performance And...

Marina Abramović’s â€Å"The Artist is Present† challenging Performance and Cultural Politics Marina Ambramović’s concept of performance art interrogates the traditional forms and practices of what most people would consider to be the â€Å"norm†, that derive from personal preferences generated from different aspects of society. Abramović is known for her durational performance work that tests the endurance and limitations of her own body and mind. Performance art may be understood as a practice where the body of the artist is central or the medium itself involving objected based art materials such as paint and canvas. Abramović challenges this traditional sense, and introduces new concepts of â€Å"pushing the body to its limits† and cutting down the distance between artist and audience by making her own the body the medium. In this paper, I will be critiquing Ambramović’s use of performance art to the ways she provokes cultural politics by ultimately aiming to silence the question â€Å"what is art†. Upon watching her docum entary â€Å"The Artist is Present†, I have found that in her performances she presents the public with challenges, shock, and emotions that can be understood as a controversial act; however the effect her performances have on people can differ based on the perspective of which performance art is viewed. Through the understanding of traditional performance art and Ambramović’s performance art, both descriptions share similarities but also large differences. PerformanceShow MoreRelatedImproving The Path Of Becoming A Recording Artist1736 Words   |  7 PagesA growing trend amongst new artists is crowd funding. This refers to audiences making contributions and/or micro investments in new creative ventures (Jenkins, 2013). 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