Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Artist Is Present Challenging Performance And...
Marina Abramović’s â€Å"The Artist is Present†challenging Performance and Cultural Politics Marina Ambramović’s concept of performance art interrogates the traditional forms and practices of what most people would consider to be the â€Å"norm†, that derive from personal preferences generated from different aspects of society. Abramović is known for her durational performance work that tests the endurance and limitations of her own body and mind. Performance art may be understood as a practice where the body of the artist is central or the medium itself involving objected based art materials such as paint and canvas. Abramović challenges this traditional sense, and introduces new concepts of â€Å"pushing the body to its limits†and cutting down the distance between artist and audience by making her own the body the medium. In this paper, I will be critiquing Ambramović’s use of performance art to the ways she provokes cultural politics by ultimately aiming to silence the question â€Å"what is art†. Upon watching her docum entary â€Å"The Artist is Present†, I have found that in her performances she presents the public with challenges, shock, and emotions that can be understood as a controversial act; however the effect her performances have on people can differ based on the perspective of which performance art is viewed. Through the understanding of traditional performance art and Ambramović’s performance art, both descriptions share similarities but also large differences. PerformanceShow MoreRelatedImproving The Path Of Becoming A Recording Artist1736 Words  | 7 PagesA growing trend amongst new artists is crowd funding. This refers to audiences making contributions and/or micro investments in new creative ventures (Jenkins, 2013). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Challenges Of Health And Wellness - 1742 Words
Initial Challenges to Health and Wellness Many people struggle with a minute gain of weight here and there but for me it was something different. Over the last year, I have gained fifteen pounds that I have not been able to lose. In my journey over the last year I have tried many methods to losing the weight that have not worked. I decided to focus on weight loss once again and give it one more go. Much of my weight gain in theory comes from overeating and not working out regularly. Growing up I was a three-sport athlete and it was easy for me to keep the weight off. I played volleyball, basketball, and softball all through high school. I then continued my volleyball career in college. Staying in shape in college was much easier because of the mandatory sessions for working out and staying in shape. After college, I was always active and played in a YMCA volleyball league for years along with playing on the sand courts when weather permitted. My life took a turn when I started to teach, I tried to eat healthy and workout but have found it hard to do those things with my schedule. When I was coaching and teaching, I had very little time for me. I had to be at work at 7am and did not leave until 6:30pm or even later on game days. Eating healthy has been an issue most of my adult life. I have found it hard eat healthy because of work hours and because of money. Teacher salary in North Carolina is ridiculous and it is hard to eat healthy when you cannot afford to by healthyShow MoreRelatedPoor Health Habits Of Employees1383 Words  | 6 Pages INTRODUCTION The issue of poor health habits of employees has resulted in growing rates of chronic disease, together with the rising cost of health benefits, increased absenteeism and reduction in productivity (Mujtaba, 2013). The decline in workforce health also adds to increased health related expenses. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
The Autonomous Factors Free Essays
This model demonstrates that the autonomous factors are unite on the left side and the reliant variable is joined on the correct side of the model. In this table all the free factors are centering or specifically influencing the reliant variable and the needy variable is client maintenance. The theory for this exploration is given underneath: 2. We will write a custom essay sample on The Autonomous Factors or any similar topic only for you Order Now 7 Research Hypothesis Following are the exploration theory of the examination: H1: Service quality has positive effect on the client maintenance. H0: Service quality has no positive effect on the client maintenance. H2: Customer fulfillment has positive effect on the client maintenance. H0: Customer Satisfaction has no positive impact on client maintenance. H3: Customer reliability has positive impact on the client maintenance. H0: Customer reliability has no positive effect on the client maintenance. H4: Environment has positive effect on the client maintenance. H0: Environment has no positive impact on the client maintenance. 3. Methodology In this exploration the easygoing examination has been utilized to clarify the impact of the free factors (benefit quality, consumer loyalty, client steadfastness, condition t) on the needy variable (client retention).The information for this exploration has been taken from 300 members by utilizing the instructive and mental estimation table (Krejcie, Robert 1970) . Add up to number of 160 surveys from out of 300 was returned which were totally and accurately filled by the members which were worthy for the investigation to go ahead. In this examination the helpful testing is been utilized to gather information from the members to bear on the exploration. 3.1 Instruments In this paper we have utilized the strategy which was beforehand embraced in the examinations, the poll was made out of aggregate 19 questions. First4 questions were of individual statistic and remaining 15 were of the 5 factors which were utilized as a part of this paper. Measurable bundle for sociologies (SPSS) rendition 20.0 was utilized for the investigation of the factors gathered through the survey. 3.2 Date Analysis procedures Unwavering quality examination is utilized as a part of this paper to check the dependability of the poll. As it is said in the past investigations that dependability examination acknowledgment run is over 0.70(Nunnally, 1978) . Pearson connection examination is utilized to check the connection between the diverse factors. What’s more, the direct relapse investigation is utilized to discover the impact of the autonomous factors on the reliant factors. 4. Data Analysis and Results The Frequency table demonstrates that the information gathered from respondents incorporate 60% male and 40% female. Table no.1 Elucidation Keeping in mind the end goal to confirm the entomb thing consistency of things, Cronbach’s alpha test was keep running on spss. The Cronbach’s alpha test is utilized to recognize that how much our reactions on our examination are solid .The Cronbach’s alpha shows esteems in above table including the estimation of every factor .The qualities are above to the standard esteem proposed by (Nummally, 1978) of 0.70, which exhibits that our instrument is dependable and we can irrefutably apply different measurable tests and decipher the results with assurance. Understanding Connection test was actualized to break down the connection between factors. Connection table proposed every one of the factors were emphatically associated to customer buy goal. The most connected variable was CL having Pearson Correlation estimation of r(120) = .648, p How to cite The Autonomous Factors, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Stylistic Analysis Hamlet Soliloquy free essay sample
Shakespeare’s Hamlet is full of misdirection and mysterious happenings that are only explained to the audience through various soliloquies and hidden actions. Hamlet’s soliloquy in act 3, scene 2, is crucial for the audience to understand the mental struggle and inconsistent characteristics of the play’s eponymous protagonist. Hamlet incorporates dark, sinister-like images, to portray his future course of action towards his mother, Gertrude. Hamlet’s soliloquy is presented in a time of night that allows him to be open with the audience. For Hamlet, the dark serves as a shield that protects him from feeling the moral burdens of his future plans towards his mother. Hamlet describes the night as a time â€Å"when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out†(iii. ii. 2). This ominous description of the setting gives Hamlet comfort in knowing that evil regularly occurs. Therefore, his actions towards his mother would not seem as wicked because they are part of the normal happenings of the night. We will write a custom essay sample on Stylistic Analysis: Hamlet Soliloquy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hamlet uses the soliloquy to depict how he is finally going to avenge his father. He uses ruthless tone to describe â€Å"such bitter business of the day†(iii. ii. 4). This tone is rarely used from Hamlet prior to this soliloquy. The soliloquy serves as a major turning point for Hamlet. Hamlet now has evidence for Claudius’s involvement in Hamlet’s father’s murder. Therefore, he now cannot use the excuse of a lack of proof for his inaction. Hamlet notifies the audience that he is planning â€Å"to be cruel†towards his mother without appearing strange and unnatural (iii. ii. 8). Hamlet’s normally wavering and cowardly nature is buried by this seemingly merciless tone. Hamlet is aware of his ever changing view towards his mother. He understands that he has to struggle in order to feel true resentment. Hamlet demonstrates this great effort when he says, â€Å"O heart, lost not thy nature, let not ever†(iii. ii. 6). Strangely enough, Hamlet’s affection strengthens as the soliloquy progresses. Hamlet begins to be more empathetic towards his mother. Deep in his heart, Hamlet knows that he loves his mother regardless of what his actions depict. Hamlet says that his â€Å"tongue and soul in this be hypocrites†(iii. ii. 10). Hamlet’s words will contradict his love for his mother as he will speak spitefully. Hamlet finishes the soliloquy with an unusual outburst proclaiming that he will â€Å"give them seals never, my soul, consent†(iii.ii. 12). This outburst outlines his indecisive yet ironically impulsive character. Towards the end of the soliloquy, Hamlet’s tone towards his mother becomes cruel, yet full of empathy and love. Hamlet’s soliloquy serves a major role in notifying the audience about Hamlet’s inner thoughts. Additionally, the dark setting allows these thoughts to be honest and candid. Hamlet is both resentful and affectionate towards his mother. Because of these contrasting emotions, Hamlet tends to be act extremely indecisive and uncertain. This soliloquy portrays Hamlet’s great suffering due to his fragile and perplexed mental state.
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