Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How technologies can be used to make the border system stronger Dissertation
How technologies can be used to make the border system stronger - Dissertation Example The topic of research is based on the concept of border security. In the past, the researcher has worked in the Homeland Security Centers of Excellence and it is through his experience at the department that directed him towards basing his research project on border security. Homeland Security dispatches a range of resources and funds to the federal, state and the local governments, allowing the amalgamation of a number of individually-operating agencies into a collective whole. The agencies work in collaboration with each other for the achievement of shared objectives. These objectives aim to uphold the integrity and security of the country and subserve to provide the utmost protection to the US population. The Homeland Security Centers of Excellence operate under the Office of University Programs and aim to recruit and attract renowned researchers and enthusiasts for carrying out research programs. The research brings together professionals from various fields and uses their expert ise to come up with solutions for homeland security. Each research center is affiliated with a university and their research ventures are supported and collaborated upon by a number of agencies including think tanks, laboratories, and private institutions. The research work carried out at the Security Centers is in line with the research requirements of the divisions of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate. The collaboration helps to deliver top-of-the-line technology solutions for the problems facing the Department as well as the country on the whole (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2009). In particular, one of the Centers, National Center for Border Security and Immigration, is focused on the promotion and enhancement of border security. This was the Center that I was associated with. The Centre is led and supported by two universities: one being the research co-lead while the other is the education co-lead. The Center is committed to the development of technologies, tools and sophisticated procedures to regulate and monitor immigration and business across the borders. This involves the development of projects that promote border security and make it stronger and more effective. There are a number of aspects relating to borders security that the Center focuses on; these include risks and weaknesses, better surveillance and screening, analysis of immigration patterns and improvements in immigration law enforcement (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2009). The conditions that have developed after the 9/11 have exposed many gaps in the security and surveillance mechanisms. These gaps and vulnerabilities have become yet more acute in light of pressing security demands after the rise in terrorism over the previous years. Besides the post-9/11 conditions and terrorism there are other factors that have necessitated a revision of the immigration and border security systems. These include greater security reviews, insuffic ient collaboration with NGOs and the government, disputed policy tensions etc (Kerwin 2011). My research question is how important is border security today and what measures can be taken to improve it? The research project focuses in particular on the development and enforcement of better surveillance mechanisms and advanced technologies for regulating the influx of immigrants as well as goods such as false documents, illegal medicines, drugs and other illegal items. The project focuses on various aspects associated with development of such technologies, including their pros and cons. One of the key features that guarantees the success of a research project is the amount of information collected regarding it. Keeping this in mind, the research objectives can be defined as follows: Revisiting the importance of border security Identifying the need to develop better methods of surveillance and border security Reviewing the available literature and successful technologies used
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Day My Life Changed forever Essay Example for Free
The Day My Life Changed forever Essay I had been awaiting her arrival for a long 9 months. Saying I was over ridden with joy was an untruth I was afraid to bare, So I put on a smile and pretended that the arrival of my first child was going to be a good experience. Truth be told I knew my life was about to change forever and I wasnt sure I was going to be a good mother. All these doubts running through my mind was almost draining out the pain of the inconsistent contractions in my belly, my head started spinning a little with the what ifs and possibilities of failure heightened by the anticipation of my Daughters arrival. I felt so alone even though I was surrounded by my family, I knew better than anyone that this burden would be mine alone, to bare for a lifetime. It was October 4th 2006 about 6:30 pm when the first contraction started. I was at home and had just got done eating dinner. It was the beginning of evening, and the sky was still bright from the sunset behind the mountains. The skies were almost clear with just a few clouds overhead. The house was calm and quiet, unlike the storm brewing inside my mind. Carried away and consumed in my own thoughts and fears, I almost didnt even notice the pain from the first contraction. I kept on with the clean up from dinner ignoring what I feared for more than 9 months, but when the second one came, my fear and knowledge of what was to come nearly consumed me. I immediately ignored the contractions and decided for a brief moment that it was gas and I was just imagining things. I decided that I would continue my house work and see how long I could go without informing my [then] husband. So I started to organize and straighten things in the house all the while my mind was going 300 miles per hour. I was consumed with worry and guilt because I knew that the truth of the situation was I was not ready to be a mother. I wanted more from my life then to just be a mother and a wife. I wanted a career, education, and experience, before I had to hand it all over and give up my freedom. It was a little too late for that now my Daughter was coming weather I liked it or not. I knew the contractions were not yet consistent so I hoped maybe this was just the pre-labor pains I was experiencing, and they would eventually subside and go away. I couldnt have been more wrong. My husband arrived home that evening around 8:30 pm and was exhausted from a long days work. He had been working two jobs lately to support us and prepare for the arrival of our baby. He sat defeatingly on the couch as if life had consumed him all day and he couldnt take one more bit of disappointing news. He looked so tired I didnt want to inform him of the long night I knew was ahead of us. His hair was disheveled, his face looked long and tired and his eyes were sad and dark. I wondered if our baby would look like him, maybe she would get this thick curly hair, or his tanned brown skin. Maybe she would have those big sad eyes with long eyelashes, or his cute rounded nose. I hope she had his smile. That is what I fell in love with, and those big beautiful sad eyes. Then maybe loving her would come easier. As I looked at my husband sitting on the couch nodding off to sleep, I almost didnt want to wake him and be the bearer of bad news. Let him sleep I thought he has had a hard day. These pains were becoming so intense I couldnt ignore them for much longer so I decided to time them before I disturbed him. I looked at the time and it was 8:45 pm. Here comes another, I held my breath and counted to 10, and then the pained eased, then ceased. I looked at the time, oh NO, it was 8:47 and here came another one. One two three, breath. I can’t keep this up much longer I think its time to tell him. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch, he opened his eyes and before I could say a word he noticed the tears in my eyes. †Whats wrong he asked? †with a look of worry on his face. I knew once I opened my mouth the truth was going to scare him so I thought I’d choose my words wisely to have a more positive effect, but before I could say anything the pain was back, and this time I closed my eyes and groaned, as my belly tightened. One two three, breath. I opened my eyes and the look of fear on his face was only there for a moment, he quickly smiled with excitement and asked if it was time. I told him yes and that I had been timing the contractions for about 15 mins and they were getting stronger and more consistent. He decided that we were going to the hospital and I called my best friend for a ride. After that everything became very chaotic. I wasn’t sure which was making me sick the pains from the contractions or the thought of everything that could go wrong. I was about to meet my child and was overcome with fear. I wondered why I wasn’t overjoyed, like other women described with their anticipation. Instead the fear and pain was starting to eat me alive. This burden I could not share with anyone, for fear of judgement. I couldn’t tell my best friend that I truly didnt want to be a mother and that I was sick with the idea of the responsibility. How was I supposed to reveal that this child growing inside of me was more of a burden than a blessing. What women would understand my feelings without judging me, or thinking I am a selfish women. I knew none of them understood because this was my duty as a wife and a woman. I felt guilty for wanting a different life and for thinking of my unborn child as a burden. An innocent life was about to be my responsibility and I wasnt ready. I wanted to scream and run away, this fear was too much. When my best friend arrived she was excited and happy. She was pregnant too and due three months from now. She kept saying we would remember this experience for a lifetime and how glad she was to be here with me for the birth of my first child. Her and my husband talked and and seemed very happy while we got things together to go to the hospital. I couldnt understand why I wasnt excited like them or happy that I was about to meet my first child. Instead my mind was going in circles trying to make sense of it all. All the different possibilities of how things could go wrong was scaring me more then anything else. I couldnt imagine How I could be happy at a time like this. Finally we were getting in the car. I started trying to calm my thoughts and counter them with rational thoughts, As the pain came and went the fear inside my mind stayed consistent and started to grow stronger. I could feel every bump on the road as if it were a bat beating against my pelvic bone. By the time we got to the hospital I was starting to cry. I wasnt sure if it was from the pains or if my fear and emotions had gotten the best of me, but it scared my husband and best friend so they started hurrying me out of the car. The hospital admitted me right away and got me in a birthing room quickly. The room was big and impressive for a hospital. It was very comfortable, there was a pink couch that ran against an entire wall. There was three green chairs for my guests and all of them reclined. The walls were painted blue, and wall papered with a pink blue and green contemporary design. My husband was really impressed with the 47 inch flat screen television on the wall with all the cable channels a man could want. There was large wooden storage cabinets that looked like an entertainment center urrounding the large TV on the wall. I had my own private bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub. My favorite part was the oversized window with the view of the city. It felt more like a hotel room rather than a hospital birthing room. As I undressed and lie on the bed I keep thinking this is all happening too fast and I just want my mom. So my best friend decided to go pick her up. the doctor came in and checked my cervix to see how far I was dilated and informed me that I wasn barely at 2 cm. She asked if my water had broke yet, and I told her no. She said they would monitor me for a while but if my water didnt break then they would have to send me home. So I began to walk hoping it would increase my contractions and allow my water to break. My mother arrived quickly and gave me a great deal of comfort and reassurance. She rubbed me on the back and held my hand as we walked while she recounted the birth of my brothers and I. She told me how proud she was of me and that everything was going to work out just fine. She said that I was going to make such a great mother and went on and on about how my daughter would change my life as I had changed hers. Of course this made me feel even worse about my own thoughts and yet I still couldnt understand why I was feeling so selfish and scared about becoming a mother. We walked for a while and then my feet grew tired so my mother thought we could try a warm bath. So we went back to my room and I got in the bath in my room . We had been there for hours already and nothing seemed to be happening, I began to get frustrated with the progress of this event I was exhausted and wanted this to be over with already. The Doctor came in and checked again to see if I had dilated any more and I seemed to be at a standstill. The Doctor decided to send me home because I wasnt dilating. So I went home I was angry and frustrated and just wanted this to be over with a already I wasnt sure I could bear this pain for much longer but I knew this was involuntary and I just had to deal with it the way it was. We got home around 12:30am and decided to try and get some sleep I was so restless from the pain that I couldnt find a comfortable position to sleep tossing and turning over and over again I thought I might go crazy. I finally found a comfortable position and nodded off to sleep. I was sleeping for maybe and hour when a sharp pain woke me from my sleep. This contraction was more intense than the others but I wasnt sure it was going to make a difference. I lie there in my bed awake and still wondering if the pain would return, and sure enough it did . One two Three breath, I counted out loud and this time I felt the pain in my back as well. I knew these pains were different, and as I considered waking my husband to tell him, I felt a gush of water coming from between my legs. I quickly woke my husband up and told him â€Å"My water just broke†. He jumped up and ran to get the phone. We both knew that this time it was real. He called his mom to come get us and I got up and got dressed. I noticed as I was cleaning myself up that the water was green and had a funny smell. When I realized the seriousness of that I called to my husband. Went he came into the room and I showed his he didnt understand why, it could be a bad thing so I explained about women who go past their due date sometimes the baby defecates inside the womb and if the child ingests that bacteria I could be very dangerous to their health. I knew this because this happened to a friend of mine a few years before, her baby was very sickly for six months and then lost her battle when the infection took the childs life. Would this happen to my baby too I wondered? His mother arrived then and we started towards the door. Then the pain came again, One two three, breath. The pain increased so much that I was doubled over in tears. I was no extremely scared that my thoughts, doubts, and selfish thinking was going to cost my childs health. Now the guilt set in and I started praying. Oh Lord please dont let my baby be sick. I swear I will do the best I can if you just give me a good chance and a healthy baby. Please dear God hear my desperate plea. We arrived at the hospital again and this time I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural I couldnt do this naturally what was I thinking. I needed some pain medication because this was awful . The nurse came in to give me an IV. She poked me so many times that I started to cry again. She missed the vein three times and once she blew a bubble in my arm. I started yelling at her and asked for a different nurse. A new nurse came in and gave me and IV in her first try. I asked again for an epidural and the nurse checked to see how dilated I was. I was dilated to 4cm so she said she would call the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist came and had to put a long needle in my spine, to feed the medicine for the epidural. I had to sit really still and couldn’t move. Again I was scared but I felt much better holding on to my husband and my mom. After the medicine took effect I was feeling much better. The pain was now manageable and I could get some sleep. After an hour the Doctors came in to talk to me. They said that the epidural slowed my contractions and they wanted to give me a shot of pitocin to increase my contractions. I agreed and told them about the color when my water broke. They said they would keep a close eye on me and the baby. I decided to get some sleep. I was still scared of becoming a mother and was struggling with my thoughts of being selfish and worry of not being a good mother. But now the thoughts of worry had taken over and I was concerned for my childs health. I kept thinking that what if while we were waiting for my body to dilate my baby was getting sick inside me and I could be losing her. I thought of how selfish I had been throughout my pregnancy, and how I would feel if I had a sickly child or even worse a still born. My thoughts were running wild while my family sat around in the room sharing stories of love family and children. I couldnt help but envy them and their happiness. I wondered if I would ever have that happiness and share stories with my children like that. I feared I wouldnt instead that I would always be selfish and resent my life and wish for my freedom. The worst part was how could I expect my child to love me if I was a selfish women. Was I capable of being a good mother even though I was feeling so selfish and resentful. I layed there for about 7 hours with little progress in the labor. It had already been 24 hours since my first contraction and I was feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvic bone. I called for the Doctor and she said I was only dilated to 8cm and that I hadnt been dilating for three hours. I told her that I felt sick and wanted a c section. She strongly advised me against it. I insisted that something was wrong and if I was supposed to have the baby naturally that my body would still be dilating. She finally agreed and brought me the forms to sign. She told my family that only one person was allowed in the room with me because it was surgery. I picked my husband and she gave him a sterile gown to put on with a cap and gloves. This was it I was about to see my baby for the first time. I was scared and excited at the same time it was like a bittersweet feeling but I just wanted to meet her I was exhausted from the anticipation already and was really anxious. hey took me into the delivery room and strapped me to this board and put a curtain over me. I could feel them tugging and pulling my belly but it was numb so it was sort of like an out of body experience. I lay there asking over and over if everything was okay. My husband held my hand tightly and reassured me everything and fine. It felt like an eternity lying there not knowing if she was going to be alright or if my thoughts had caused something to go badly or if I was going to have a sick baby. They called my husband to go cut the umbilical cord and I just laid there in what felt like purgatory, and seemed like an eternity . Then I saw them take her over to the pediatric table and she wasnt crying yet I started crying because I hadnt heard her cry yet I thought something was wrong. Just as I was asking if she was ok I heard her cry. Tears of relief streamed down my face. They cleaned her up and my husband brought her over to me to see her. She was beautiful, she had dark black hair cute little brown slanted eyes like mine , big chubby cheeks and her daddys nose. I fell in love with her immediately and all the worry and selfish thoughts were gone. She was an angel and God sent her to me. It took awhile for me to recovery and be able to hold her but once she was in my arms I couldnt let her go. I knew that being a good mother to her would be the most significant thing I could ever do in my entire life. I promised myself that day that no matter what feelings I have I was going to be the best mother I could possibly be to her. I would always put her first even when I didnt want to and I would always make sure she is safe and loved. That day My life changed. That Day I went from being a selfish women to being a mother of a beautiful little girl . She will always be one the best thing that ever happened to me.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Feudal Society of Matewan :: Stone Mountain Coal Company Economics Essays
The Feudal Society of Matewan The Stone Mountain Coal Company wielded monopoly control over the town of Matewan through a feudal system of economic, cultural, political, and environmental processes. Every person in the town of Matewan came under the power of the company in one way or another. The employees of Stone Mountain were under a bondage contract with the company. Once they came to the company it was impossible to leave and at the same time maintain a basic standard of living. They could not leave also because once they signed on with the company they owed the company a large sum of money for everything ranging from the ticket for the train that brought them to Matewan to the equipment they needed to work there. In this way it was as if they were paying the company to let them work in the mines rather the other way around. They did not have the rights basic to capitalism such as the right to join a union, the right to sell their labor in a labor market to the bidder of their choice, and the rig ht to spend their wage freely. The Stone Mountain Coal Company controlled the processes involving the production, circulation, and distribution of products and services in the town of Matewan. Most of the people in the town were employees of the company and others were in debt to the company through mortgages and loans. Everyone depended on the company for daily necessities such as food and clothing because the company owned the stores in Matewan and because all employees of Matewan were paid in company script which only allowed them to buy in the company stores. Furthermore, their contract said that to buy from any other store would mean immediate discharge from employment. The Stone Mountain Coal company was the only major employer in town. To become self-employed, citizens of Matewan would have needed initial endowments of resources, products and land that were only available at the company's prerogative. The Stone Mountain Coal company kept economic control through political processes which served to punish behavior unfavorable to the company. The company sent in agents from Baldwin-Felts to act as the feudal managers or Knights who intimidated the people and infiltrated the new union.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sleepwalking Essay -- Research Psychology Essays
Sleepwalking Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, belongs to a group of parasomnias. This disorder of arousal is characterized by complex motor behaviors initiated during stages 3 and 4 of non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep (slow-wave sleep) (3). Behaviors during sleepwalking episodes can vary greatly. Some episodes are limited to sitting up, fumbling and getting dressed, while others include more complex behaviors such as walking, driving a car, or preparing a meal (2). After awakening, the sleepwalker usually has no recollection of what has happened and may appear confused and disoriented. The behaviors performed while sleepwalking are said to be autonomous automatisms. These are nonrelfex actions performed without conscious volition and accomplished independently from the I-function (3). This insinuates that everything done while sleepwalking is involuntary because the exhibited behavior is not a result of the I-function's output. Therefore if the I-function is not involved what causes people to sl eepwalk? What happens to the I-function during sleepwalking? What does this imply about brain and behavior? Sleep is a succession of five recurring stages: four non-REM stages and the REM stage. Researchers have classified these stages of sleep by monitoring muscle tone, eye movements, and the electrical activity of the brain using an electroencephalogram (EEG) (4). EEG readings measure brain waves and classify them according to speed. Alertness consists of desynchronized beta activity whereas relaxation and drowsiness consist of alpha activity (4). Stage 1 sleep includes alternating patterns of alpha activity, irregular fast activity and the presence of some theta activity. This stage is a transition between sleep and wakefulness (4... can function independently from it. Despite my greater understanding of somnambulism I was unable to determine why the nervous system causes people to sleepwalk. It has been shown that no dreaming occurs during these stages of sleep. Therefore I do not understand what sleepwalkers are acting out. This question still remains open for investigation. Works Cited 1)Bassetti, C., Vella, S., Donati, F., Wielepp, P. Weder, B. SPECT during sleepwalking. Lancet 2000 Aug 5; 356(9228):484-85 2)3)Masand, P., Popli, A., Weilburg, J. Sleepwalking. American Family Physician 1995. v5 n3 p649. 4)Carlson, N. Physiology of Behavior. 7th ed. Allyn and Bacon. USA, 2001 5)McCarley, R.W. and Hobson, J. A. The form of dreams and the biology of sleep. In the Handbook of dreams: Research, Theory, and Applications, edited by B. Wolman. New York: Can Nostrand Reinhold, 1979.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Media Hype, Racial Profiling, and Good Science Essay
Summary: Gold begins his essay right away, without any sort of formality. The essay begins with Gold laying a foundation for the requirements of â€Å"good science. †After which Gold spells out the requirements of articles to sell large volumes of newspapers. This latter generates the term anecdotes. The term anecdote is analyzed, scrutinized and concluded as unacceptable due to the evidence relying more on beliefs than facts. Thus creating a vicious circle. Gold than highlights the fact that there exists large numbers or web pages, lawsuits, publications and presentations specifically directed at the issue. Varying levels of government in the United States has passed legislation about the issue. Individuals known as experts of have been successful writing books and employed as expert witnesses or consultants on the matter. Departments of been created to address the issue and conferences devoted to the topic. The American experience has been deemed applicable in Canada. Gold delves into the high social costs involved in the existence and beliefs of the racial profiling anecdotes. The solution is more important than the conception. Gold offers that communication, building trust, transparency and any inappropriate behavior dealt with seriously by the government are requirements to the solution. Gold then goes on to say that the community must also realize that the guilty may use any method to escape punishment. Gold comments that racial profiling is a phenomenon that is supposed to exist in Policing. The Toronto Star claims to have proved this phenomenon by evidence. This evidence needs to be examined by science. Gold then begins to explore the definition of racial profiling. Sometimes the term is used when a handful of officers are bigots. Sometimes it is applied when it seems that the police service promotes racism through its training materials. There is no evidence that American policing material is connected to Toronto Police. Profiling is the activity and racial a subspecies of profiling. Criminal law literature hosts a variety of profiles. As well, police profilers generate ad hoc profiles. Profiling is a â€Å"junk science†involving vague and non-specific characteristics that can be manipulated. There is no scientific merit to profiling. Racial profiling is one-dimensional profiling where the race replaces all other characteristics. Profiling implies to tell us something about an unknown suspect by identifying characteristics. Racial profiling claims to predict the race of a suspect. Claims should recognize the difference between reactive and proactive policing. Reactive policing is when police seek out a specific gender and race because witnesses described the culprit as such. Reactive policing is irrelevant to profiling. Proactive police activity should be the only data used. Statistics on police-minority interactions need to take into consideration the demographics of a given area. Also, are police targeting specific activity due to community concerns in a certain area? It may surprise people to know how much police activity is reactive and how little is proactive. The Toronto Star fails to recognize such issues. The data collected by the Toronto Star also fails to make the distinction. Gold then moves into to the claims and conclusions aspect of the essay. Stating that data collected needs something to be compared to or measured against, some sort of baseline. The Toronto Star used general population figures from the last available census. Apparently, using uses such as a baseline in unacceptable in the expert statistical analysis. Gold attempts to illustrate that fact that the Toronto Star blundered their way from the statistical analysis without using any accepted criteria. After which Gold suggests that data collection needs to be done under comparable conditions. Gold then moves onto another publication â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,†and the definition used by them. The term greater levels are brought up, and Gold asks â€Å"compared to what? †Wortley and Tanner utilized surveys to collect their data, which results in an opinions and claims survey. Gold calls such data collection, â€Å"Anecdotes in bulk. †After this, Gold goes on for some time about assumptions and making the leap from report to reality based on anecdotal evidence. Gold implies that the Toronto Star failed to take into consideration population distribution and population concentration of identifiable groups. The Toronto Star assumes that all groups are even distributed amongst throughout the general population. The Toronto Star compares data of an ethnic population to number of arrests for violent crimes in higher. Violent crimes will be a reactive policing perspective with witnesses identifying physical traits of the culprits. Such data cannot be used for profiling. This was mentioned earlier on in Gold’s essay. Gold then gives an example of a specific case in the United States where profiling failed the Police investigation. Constant failure to identify criminals using a profile would become apparent with an increase in unsuccessful outcomes. For the conclusion, Gold regurgitates the term â€Å"junk science†and how it is unsuccessful. Then applauds Wortley and Tanner for their cautionary note to have such figures scrutinized by experts and peers before releasing results to the public and that quality control needs to be applied to media discussions on the topic. Strengths: Gold does a good job comparing â€Å"good science†with â€Å"junk science,†and how inaccurate the use of â€Å"junk science†will be. Gold quickly defines terms that he continually uses throughout the rest of his essay to assist the reader in following his train of thought. At the beginning of the essay Gold lays the groundwork for what he will discuss throughout the essay. He, quickly lays down his assumption of what racial profiling is and how unlikely that it is used by police. Gold lies out his essay with sections with subtle conclusions being drawn by the end of each. This helps to keep the reader on track as he attempts to dispel the phenomenon known as racial profiling. Hold spends most of his time attacking the foundation of each group or agencies bases for profiling. He uses references and his knowledge of statistical analysis to debunk each idea. Also, Gold uses various examples of how ineffective the outcome would be given each scenario. Gold illustrates how some groups confuse proactive and reactive policing as the same thing, when in fact they are not. He does his best bring that idea several time throughout the essay. Gold is forthcoming with the fact that he was retained by Toronto Police to make submissions on this same very topic. That mention shows that Gold is trying to be honest with the reader. Also, I believe that it aids the read into recognizing that Gold would have had to do a far amount of research to make such submissions. The fact that Gold is privately employed and not a government employee may make the reader feel that he is less-biased on this particular topic. Weaknesses: At some points during the essay Gold seem to gone off on a tangent. At one point he offers solutions to bridge the gap between government agencies and communities. This is done more than once, and was not relevant to the topic being discussed in the essay. There are a few points where Gold appears to be talking in circles with verbal jargon. I didn’t feel those points in his essay resulted in any valid point to validate his argument. It was almost as though Gold digressed or lost focus for a moment. There are points within the essay where Gold appears to put his personal thoughts in brackets, thereby taking away from his credibility. For most of the essay Gold is trying to prove that the Toronto Star wrote an article without merit or proper research. Near the end of the essay he brings up another writer â€Å"Wortley and Tanner. †I believe that it would have been more effective he had integrated both writings earlier on in the essay. It appears as though â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,†are almost an afterthought. Conclusion: I think Gold effectively made his point with this essay. He is credible and knowledgeable, proving his point with examples, scenarios and data. He shows an appreciation for other points of view and illustrates how they may be incorrect based on their data collection. He affectively dissects the definition of the issue and how come groups confuse racism with racial profiling. As well his recognizes the differences between proactive and reactive policing. Gold shows how reactive policing gets generalized by most groups when in fact the investigation is driven by information from independent sources. I believe the weak points in Gold’s essay are overshadowed by his strong points, resulting in a fair and reasonable conclusion to his argument.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Al The essay is a critical analysis of the article titled â€Å"Al-Zawahiri appointed al Qaedas new leader†which was posted on the jihadist website published on June 16 2011 by the CNN Wire Staff. The article talks about international relationship between American and the Islam community which has been viewed for the past decades as deteriorating as results of terrorism.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on â€Å"Al-Zawahiri appointed al Qaedas new leader†Article Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is worth noting that the issue of terrorism has been a hard nut to crack in the entire world and has continued to cause sleepless night to a number of countries (Shimko 127). Since the death of Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda the group was reluctant to accept his death. After consultation and coming to terms with his death, they settled on Al-Zawahiri his long term deputy to take charge of the gr oup, Hereby the General Command of the Qaeda al-Jihad and after the end of the consultations we declare that Sheikh Dr. Abu Muhammad Ayman al-Zawahiri†(CNN Wire Staff par. 4). The individual has been linked with the attacks in Kenya and Tanzania leaving close to 300 people dead and over 5000 injured. The United States of America government placed a reward of 25 million dollars for information leading to his arrest. During an attacked launched by the U.S in Afghanistan, his wife and three of his children died. From the article it is evident that Al-Zawahiri hailed the fallen al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. He said in reference to Osama went to his God martyred because he said no to America (CNN Wire Staff par. 5) The appointed leader had harsh words for the Pakistan government and claimed that Americans are not fighting al Qaeda who will not stop at anything other than confronting their oppressors. The posting although did not talk of pro-democracy uprising, it is clear tha t their policies will not be shifted and promised to support such groups as Taliban in fighting NATO and U.S. analysts hold the opinion that Al-Zawahiri will have a difficult task in leading the group. They assert that he has no charisma as that of his predecessor. My view however is contrary to theirs. Having in mind that he was born in a wealthy family just like Bin Laden, and then he will have an easy time motivate the group and give them direction since Bin Laden did a lot of work in shaping the entire group as well as imposing chain of command. Despite the claim that he commands no loyalty from members, this does not warrant the assumption that he won’t propel the group in carrying out attacks.Advertising Looking for article on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In my humble view, the leadership of Al-Zawahiri will definitely worsen the relationship of America with other Islamic coun tries particularly Egypt where the leader has roots. This rests on the view that the membership of the group will expand making American to receive opposition from all quotas. Interestingly, it is evident that even after the killing of Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda will not stop on their activities and the chances of them revenging are high. However, it is not easy to establish the timeline for the revenge. This thus calls the American authorities to be on alert at all times and change their strategies for curbing terrorism if need be. The following statement summarizes their desire to revenge, â€Å"will remain on the path of righteousness as a coherent, solid, cemented rank†(CNN Wire Staff par. 10) References Shimko, Keith. International relations: Perspective and controversies. New York: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print. Al-Zawahiri appointed al Qaedas new leader, 2011. Web.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Principle of the Mercantile System (1776) Summary
The Principle of the Mercantile System (1776) Summary According to Adam Smith in this article, the basis of England's wealth is gold and silver, not in the lands, houses, or resources. He goes on the explain through the article that England has lost it's focus on the industry of the consumer and concentrated more on the importation of the money they receive from their colonies. The wealth is only considered to consist of gold and silver and, "that those metals could be brought into a country which had no mines only by the balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it imported." Smith makes the point that England has started "a monopoly against their countrymen," because the market encourages the industry to import products from foreign countries and place high duties upon them.This is a nationalistic feeling because Smith is speaking for the people that the market in England is not for the people, but rather against them.Smith Street, Warwick - no's 55 to 61 Smith StreetIt is built for the rich man to make his silver and gold and not for the working class families who survived on "cottage industry" or home-industry. He sees the importance of the difference of economies in the big state, little-state scenario.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Breakdown and Review of Where the Wild Things Are
Breakdown and Review of 'Where the Wild Things Are' Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak has become a classic. Winner of the 1964 Caldecott Medal as the Most Distinguished Picture Book of the Year, it was first published by HarperCollins in 1963. When Sendak wrote the book, the theme of dealing with dark emotions was rare in childrens literature, especially in picture book format. Story Summary After more than 50 years, what keeps the book popular is not the impact of the book on the field of childrens literature, it is the impact of the story and the illustrations on young readers. The plot of the book is based on the fantasy (and real) consequences of a little boys mischief. One night Max dresses up in his wolf suit and does all kinds of things he shouldnt, like chasing the dog with a fork. His mother scolds him and calls him a WILD THING! Max is so mad he shouts back, ILL EAT YOU UP! As a result, his mother sends him to his bedroom without any supper. Maxs imagination transforms his bedroom into an extraordinary setting, with a forest and an ocean and a little boat that Max sails in until he comes to a land full of wild things. Although they look and sound very fierce, Max is able to tame them with a single glance. They all realize Max is ..the most wild thing of all and make him their king. Max and the wild things have a fine time creating a rumpus until Max begins to want to be †¦where someone loved him best of all. Maxs fantasy ends when he smells his dinner. Despite the wild things protests, Max sails back to his own room where he finds his supper waiting for him. The Books Appeal This is a particularly appealing story because Max is in conflict with both his mother and his own anger. Despite the fact that he is still angry when he is sent to his room, Max does not continue his mischief. Instead, he gives free rein to his angry emotions through his fantasy, and then, comes to a decision that he will no longer let his anger separate him from those whom he loves and who love him. Max is an engaging character. His actions, from chasing the dog to talking back to his mother are realistic. His emotions are also realistic. Its quite common for children to get angry and fantasize about what they could do if they ruled the world and then calm down and consider the consequences. Max is a child with whom most 3- to 6-year-olds readily identify. Summing Up the Impact of the Book Where the Wild Things Are is an excellent book. What makes it so extraordinary is the creative imagination of both Maurice Sendak the writer and Maurice Sendak the artist. The text and the artwork complement one another, moving the story along seamlessly. The transformation of Maxs bedroom into a forest is a visual delight. Sendaks colored pen and ink illustrations in muted colors are both humorous and sometimes a little scary, reflecting both Maxs imagination and his anger. The theme, conflict, and characters are ones with which readers of all ages can identify, and is a book that children will enjoy hearing again and again. Publisher: HarperCollins, ISBN: 0060254920
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Apple Incorporated and the Power of Its Brands Essay
Apple Incorporated and the Power of Its Brands - Essay Example Its goal is to substantially address the needs of its customers, but not until when it discovered the advantage of creating a need for its product and service offerings. The modern marketing emphasises that marketers are good at creating needs for their offerings (Boone and Kurtz, 2006; Kotler et al., 1999). In fact, Apple is very good at creating needs for its product and service offerings, the very basic foundation of how it tries to achieve its competitive advantage. However, as it continues to grow, Apple Incorporated has become highly recognized with its brands, which brings it at the top of the competition. Porter’s theory of competitive advantage applies to Apple Incorporated and its brands. The power of its brands is very important component of differentiation strategy (Porter, 1998). People simply associate the Apple brand with standard quality, reliability, and many other intrinsic values. This is due to the fact that brands simply emphasise attributes and meanings ( Belch and Belch, 1998). In a highly capitalist world, brands have important value that could be maximised for profit making (Arvidson, 2006). Branding is a specific marketing strategy and as a way to enhance profitability, productivity and efficiency (Moor, 2007). Moor added that branding seeks to develop political message, corporate image, people, and behaviours. It is in these reasons Apple wanted to invest more in reconstructing, refining and enhancing its brands prior to becoming a cut above the other in its industry. As widely observed, the media have always been the integral parts of Apple’s success in achieving a powerful brand in the world. As a result, Apple has become an iconic brand because it came to a point of becoming a cultural icon with corresponding identity value (Holt, 2004). There are many strategies in doing this and they are integral parts of cultural branding principles. In this paper, the proponent tries to incorporate in the analysis how Apple Incorpo rated was able to successfully achieve or create the power of its brands using the media as integral parts of communication, a specific strategy in cultural branding principles (Holt, 2004). The discussion in particular includes media, brand development, and the concept of gratification of needs based on psychological perspective. Media and brand development Media are anything with spaces that have the capacity to allow marketing to take place in them (Moor, 2007). Space is very important for Moor as a specific site to develop relationships between brands and customers. She added that it is a communicative medium or opportunity for marketing to take place. Ads are specific forms of communications placed within a communicative medium (Cook, 2001). For many years, Apple Incorporated is using the media in order to promote its brands. Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and iTunes are the most important brands that are established by Apple with the aid of the media. In 2006, Apple’s ad budge t is $338 million, $467 million in 2007, and $486 million in 2008 (Blakely, 2008; DeWitt, 2009). In 2009, Apple spent $501 million for Ad expense (DeWitt, 2009). There seems to be an increase in the budget allocated by Apple for its ads, but it is actually decreasing based on percentage of revenue; 5 percent in 2001 and 1.17 percent in 2009 (DeWitt, 2009). This means that the higher the revenue of Apple has become, the lesser it allocated budget for its promotional activities. This
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Rights of Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Rights of Animals - Essay Example It will support Singer's argument and present logical reasons to state the case. It will also dispel common fallacies of the opposition view and confront the objections raised most often A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat and in many cases has been shown to be healthier. Meat is not necessary to feed mankind as the amount of vegetable nutrition required to produce meat far outpaces the food value of the meat produced. Having accepted that we can subsist adequately on a vegetarian diet, it becomes imperative that we consider the rights of animals and extend moral dignity to all species. To explore the rights of animals, as equals, mandates that we first define equality as it relates to humans. We do not define equal rights for humans in terms of our willingness to overlook our differences. All humans have physical differences and diverse capabilities. These differences; mental agility, physical prowess, and beauty are accepted as part of being human. This can be illustrated with our concept of equality as it relates to differing ages, the ability to play music, or being multi-lingual. These differences do not limit a human's right to equality. Being equal is not a mere matter of accepting our differences. This absurd extension of reasoning would justify treating a bridge as equal to a human. Our differences are not relevant to the argument. The definition of equality lies not in our ability to overlook difference, but to identify and acknowledge what common thread binds us as human beings. When we examine the human race to determine where our sameness lies, physical and cognitive attributes are soon discarded. The wide range of attributes on the physical plane among humans immediately rejects anything material as sameness. We must therefore look to mental conditions, and awareness of that condition, to evaluate our sameness. On a simple plane of mental agility, we recognize differences in our abilities at work and in scholarly endeavors. Our sameness lies beyond our brain's ability to calculate and resides in deeper levels of consciousness. We ascribe our sameness to self-awareness, concept of past and future, and the ability to feel emotion. These are the concepts that are presumed to be unique to humans by those willing to disregard the rights of animals. Self-awareness is not the sole property of the human race. Animals are acutely aware of their self, their image, and their limitations. A cat will groom itself and will understand where the cat ends and the rest of the universe begins. Animals express their self-awareness in many aspects and in all species. Birds will display plumage and color to attract a mate. They will signal their mate with audible as well as visual indications. They are expressing their self-awareness. The human concept of past and future is reflected in our ability to learn from mistakes, plan for the future, and our appreciation of history. Animals routinely learn from trial and error. The error may result in inhumane punishment as in a training situation when a dog learns obedience. Animals obviously learn to hunt and adjust their method based on success or failure. Hunting and socialization is passed from each generation to the younger members of animal societies. As well as they learn and remember the past, it may also be shown that they exhibit grief at the death of a mate or social group member. Displays of anxiety are commonplace whether we observe
Choosing a Health Care Provider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Choosing a Health Care Provider - Essay Example He needs a flexible insurance medical cover to allow him contribute premiums according to his financial capabilities. The cover should allow his dependents to access medical care from different hospitals and subsequently cover a range of diseases. Further, it should cover both inpatient and outpatient services in addition to covering minor surgeries and accidents at an affordable cost (Bowers, Swan, & Koehler, 2011). A good provider has certified qualifications in his area of specialization. He has the necessary academic qualifications and experience in health care services. An experienced provider can handle most illnesses without referrals that add cost to the subscriber. The subscriber’s care philosophy should match that of the provider. The philosophy of care relates to how serious the provider takes his role especially in making decisions on treatment. The subscriber should ask about availability of hospital privileges such as personal doctors and 24 hour services. A bad medical provider doesn’t have a sustainable financial record and may stop the medical coverage anytime (Bowers, Swan, & Koehler, 2011). A provider who limits a subscriber’s choice of doctors and hospitals is a bad provider. A provider is also bad if he doesn’t offer a comprehensive cover with numerous benefits. The cover should be affordable over the years regardless of external economic factors and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Employment Relations Environment in France Essay
The Employment Relations Environment in France - Essay Example France is characterized by heterogeneous employment relations prevailing in different firms, yet unionization has achieved significant status and recognition in the country (â€Å"Eurofound†). The French government has provided full legislative and legal support to its workforce in the form of strict and enforceable laws. Essential elements of French employment relations structure are: Employment is provided on written contract based agreements and minimal wages are authorized. Employment is also guaranteed and no worker can be thrown out of a job without sound reasons. Employees are also guaranteed sick and paid leaves with maternity leaves for women in addition. France is faced with many serious problems and challenges with respect to its employment relations structure due to some inherent shortcomings and governance loopholes which are discussed as below (Jenkins 17): There is no provision of either insurance or hygienic working conditions. In addition to this, women do not get proper representation in the workplace as they should get. The communication gap between management and union with respect to recruitment policy and other information details is a common problem. Collective bargaining is a well known and established tool of dispute and grievance handling which is not implemented in its entirety in France. People are either not aware of their roles or possess little knowledge of the legislative remedies available to them. Employees feel fearful of losing their job and so do not raise their voice and similarly, managers are hesitant in delegating decision making authority to others to avoid any hassles. This has resulted in many stark conflicts and battles between union and management in bigger firms.
Titus Andronicus Questions, 'Spectacle' Assignment
Titus Andronicus Questions, 'Spectacle' - Assignment Example 2) What is the spectacle in this scene? The spectacle therefore is the creation of Lavinia’s torture through cutting of both her hands and her tongue and aptly placing her in a podium amidst a desolate swamp. 3) The mockery of Chiron and Demetrius should be comic relief, but does it feel like that to you? Initially it did; however, as one realized the gravity of their actions and the words that were said to the poor Lavinia, then, their mockery did not feel funny at all. How has Taymor (director) dealt with this aspect and what has she chosen to highlight? The director used effectively selected words and the manner by which these were delivered by Chiron and Demetrius in the scene. She therefore chose to highlight giving torture to Lavinia, not only through physical means, but through verbal mockery of her situation. 4) We see Lavinia before Marcus. Why do we get this long monologue from him? What are the essential components of it? And what does his monolgue teach us about the spectacle of Lavinia? The monologue from Marcus effectively sought the reason for Lavinia’s silence and its components including using figurative language that invoked images such as envisioning Lavinia in that dismal condition and he would want to either sleep and wake up to maybe find out that the sight was just a nightmare of some sort. The monologue therefore effectively assisted in enhancing the spectacle of Lavinia’s torture by establishing her unworthiness of such pain – being evidently professed to be a gentle soul. 5) What overall effect does this scene have on the audience (this means you)? This particular scene was therefore effective in moving the audience into empathizing with Lavinia and apparently sharing similar emotions that her character was depicting. These were made possible through the visual scenery, special effects, delivery
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Employment Relations Environment in France Essay
The Employment Relations Environment in France - Essay Example France is characterized by heterogeneous employment relations prevailing in different firms, yet unionization has achieved significant status and recognition in the country (â€Å"Eurofound†). The French government has provided full legislative and legal support to its workforce in the form of strict and enforceable laws. Essential elements of French employment relations structure are: Employment is provided on written contract based agreements and minimal wages are authorized. Employment is also guaranteed and no worker can be thrown out of a job without sound reasons. Employees are also guaranteed sick and paid leaves with maternity leaves for women in addition. France is faced with many serious problems and challenges with respect to its employment relations structure due to some inherent shortcomings and governance loopholes which are discussed as below (Jenkins 17): There is no provision of either insurance or hygienic working conditions. In addition to this, women do not get proper representation in the workplace as they should get. The communication gap between management and union with respect to recruitment policy and other information details is a common problem. Collective bargaining is a well known and established tool of dispute and grievance handling which is not implemented in its entirety in France. People are either not aware of their roles or possess little knowledge of the legislative remedies available to them. Employees feel fearful of losing their job and so do not raise their voice and similarly, managers are hesitant in delegating decision making authority to others to avoid any hassles. This has resulted in many stark conflicts and battles between union and management in bigger firms.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ip3 managing organizational change Research Paper
Ip3 managing organizational change - Research Paper Example be through team work in brainstorming and initiating new strategies and developing a plan that transforms the organization from current to preferred situation. Change agents i.e. firms executives should support the change process by offering transformative leadership, goal oriented approach to change, visionary leadership, interpersonal skills and good communication skills. According to Egan, he suggests that planning be at the forefront of any change so as to gain value and desired results thus the need for goal oriented planning. Organization executive may in the short term to build up the intended change, develop various mechanism to promote the change process among employees, such include creating short term wins to show change progress, communication of vision and mission statement and team building by creating cohesive, committed and productive work groups. Long term strategies involve process strategies such as quality circles, surveys and career training and structural strategies such as firm restructuring, management by objectives and job redesign. Organization change process is also determined by the resource mobilization capability of an organization; this can range from human resources, financial resources and physical resources. An organization should motivate the employees to derive the best output from their efforts; this can be through offering financial benefits and fringe benefits. Tools of performance are vital instruments to ensure progressive change process is within the firm. Executive should be at hand to ensure that all change components are committed to the change endeavor in order to realize maximum output from the
The major reasons for the declining in communal life in the pacific Essay Example for Free
The major reasons for the declining in communal life in the pacific Essay Below is a free essay on Discuss The Major Reasons For The Decline Of Commu from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Plan Title: Discuss the major reasons for the decline of communal life in the Pacific. C: Decline in Communal Life L: Reasons; Pacific D: Argue Context: Every society in the Pacific searches for ways to maintain their inherited ways of life and preserve their unique culture Subject: Communal Life Limited Subject: Decline in Communal life in the Pacific Issue: What are the major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific? Thesis statement: The major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific are threefold: Sociocultural evolution, Changes in life style and Economical issues. Supports for the thesis: Main idea 1: Sociocultural evolution One of the foremost reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the sociocultural evolution Supporting idea a: Education The primary sociocultural reason for the decline of communal life in the Pacific is education Details: Human/women/children rights freedom generation gap Supporting idea b: Greed and self interest The next sociocultural reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is greed and self-interest Details: Demand for ownership of land Poor leaders making unreliable decisions that affect everybody in the communal areas people are more concerned about their own family and their needs and wants Main idea 2: Changes in lifestyle Secondly, the reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is due to the changes in lifestyle of people in communal settlements. Supporting idea a: Loss of values The most basic change in lifestyle reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the loss of values Details: Intermarriages individualism Conflicts of interest Supporting idea b: Westernization and Mass media Likewise, another change in lifestyle reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the effects of mass media and westernization Details: Changes in
Monday, October 14, 2019
Objectives of sustainable development
Objectives of sustainable development Introduction The UK construction industry has undergone an unprecedented change in construction technology. Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) have been invented and are increasingly being used. With regard to residential apartment blocks, up to the 1980s greater emphasis was being placed on economy of construction rather than sustainability and lifestyles. Since 1980s, factors such as (i) the speed of construction (ii) sustainability (ii) flexible use of space. The need for rapid construction has led to more use of off-site prefabrication to reduce time spent on site and increase cost-effectiveness. The advancement of construction technology has also benefited from Government policies particularly relating to sustainable development. Perhaps one of the most significant initiatives of the UK Government to encourage sustainable construction was the setting op of the â€Å"Construction Task Force†by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr John Prescott. The task force, which comprised Sir Michael Lathum and Sir John Egan, produced a report ‘Rethinking construction (Egan, 1998). This report became influential in making Government policy. Sir John Egan argued that the use of standardization, prefabrication and innovation would improve the sustainability of the construction industry in the UK. Egan also compared construction to a manufacturing process where improvements are always sustained. The report recommended the use of prefabrication and standardization in building work as a method of achieving value of money, better value for clients and other users. Such an approach is now favoured by most people in the building industry, especially in house building. The use of modern methods of construction allows homes to be built more quickly and efficiently. Modern methods also improve site safety and supplement skilled workmanship where there may be shortages. Nevertheless, modern methods of construction have some disadvantages compared to traditional methods in that construction costs are relatively higher and also some section the public may object to futuristic building designs that go against what they are used to. Developers using MMC may need to be accredited to certain regulating authorities (such as NHBC in the UK) to ensure high quality and durability of their materials. Prefabrication Review-History of MMC Prefabrication was used in UK during periods of high dement, as after the world wars and the slum clearances in 1960s. The technical success of many of these systems was shadowed by social failing of high-rise living. In the 20th century about a million prefabricated houses were build. Most technical problems which were experienced were related to materials and poor workmanship. Prefabricated systems have been used in many public building in UK and other European Countries. The UK parliamentary office of Science and Technology studies showed (MORI poll, 2001) negative attitudes pre-fabrication were result of a big published disaster problem in the 60s. In mid of 1990s interest of UK was significant based system (e.g. roof trusses, steel frames etc) but the complete system of housing development was little, using relatively unskilled labour has been the predominant of UK house building. Off-site Review Government reports suggest that modern methods of construction (MMC) could be part of the solution to improve the quality of housing (Baker 2003). The industry has been slow to develop innovative building technologies, according to Ball and Barrow (1999). Many studies of modern methods of construction have taken the approach of promoting off-site applications without considering all the issues (Roy et al. 2003). The off-site processes help reduce the project construction time. Bakers review 2003 In 2003 the UK Government appointed Sir Martin Baker to review and report on the economic and social impacts of home building. The review examined affordability of homes in the UK. The Government is encouraging modern methods of construction (MMC) and increased supply of homes. One of Bakers highlights (2003) is that it challenges the home building industry to change construction to satisfy housing needs. Planning new levels of housing stock been based on demographic trends (Baker 2004). Benefits of MMC involve the manufacture of homes in factories, which is the faster construction. Evidence-Audits report The Commission for Architecture and Build Environment (CABE) has been investigate for the scope for building more quickly using modern methods of construction (MMC). The objective criteria of the audits, they are open to criticism them also some in house building industry criticized which schemes are determined ‘good or ‘average. In 2005 the modern methods of cost might be higher, it was report and it was possible to: Reduce the construction of houses on-site To build home up to four times with the same amount of on-site labour The performance should be also good as for home build in traditional way. During the twentieth century The new building in the UK (1996) were smaller 13% than the existing stock compared to the European countries houses that were largest that order ones. The size of a new home it was roughly 15.m2, the smallest in the Western Europe and the other European countries tend to be 20 m2 and 30 m2. In the 1981-2001 a particular in new buildings is roughly 20% smaller than the typical pre-1919 home. A combination of social in 1950s, economical and political factors renewed to construct housing system (Boverker,2004). Modern Methods of construction-Embodied carbon The most serious threat to human society that has created itself is climate change. In the 1750s the global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouses gases, carbon dioxide (CO2). The building construction is a substantial contributor of global CO2. Global emissions attributable to energy use in buildings with quarter of total CO2. An important goal for the Government climate police is the reducing of energy and carbon emissions attributed to buildings. In housing construction standard embodied energy is equivalent to a few years of energy; there are some exceptions to low energy buildings. Embodied carbon is important for low energy buildings, because less energy is used in occupation, and additional energy required for the insulation level, energy consumed in the construction materials, transport and installation. However the embodied carbon of low energy house is to contribute a better proportion of lifecycle carbon emissions during the building lifetime than a convention house. Many of the benefits of Modern methods of construction for housing are contentious and unproven. The manufacture suggest of the Government of MMC are: Environment- houses can be more energy efficient, less transport of materials and produce less waste. Social- fewer accidents and less impact during construction. Economic- MMC can be build more quickly. Overview of MMC-Types Modern methods of construction its a term to saw a number of construction methods. In the UK, the methods that being introduced in the building industry significant from so-called construction methods such as brick and block. The MMC was debated in the industry and was no universally agreed definition. The housing corporation that is used for its own purposes in 2003 is a published construction classification system (table 1). Housing corporation construction 1. Off-site manufactured -Volumetric 2. Off-site manufactured -Panelized 3. Off-site manufactured-Hybrid 4. Off-site manufactured -Sub-assemblies and components 5. Non Off-site manufactured construction Other terms of describing the MMC, is the factory building assembled, industrialized construction, innovative systems constructed on-site and pre-fabrication construction. The sectors of the modern methods of construction have five categories used by the housing corporation: off-site manufactured volumetric, three dimensions units produced in the factory, fully fitted out before being transported in the site. The majority of off-site manufactured volumetric construction in the UK to date has been used in housing. Modules may be delivered to site in variety of forms; volumetric off-site brings all the critical activities to the structure to a factory based environment which ensures better quality control. Light steel frame off-site techniques are more used to the traditional construction methods and are used in all sectors of constructions industry. Light steel offers better quality control and reduction in waste. Off-site manufactured-panellised construction is flat panel units build in factory, fully fitted out before being transported to site, panellised systems such as walls, roofs, floors and it consists two types of panels, open panels when assembled forms a skeleton structure and are usually timber or frame and closed panels may include internal lining materials. Off-site manufactured-hybrid is the combination of panellised and volumetric systems, is used to create the skeleton of the structure and volumetric units are used for the bathrooms and the kitchens. The environmental impact of MMC products sector were assessed including timber frame, timber frame with straw bale. A hybrid construction is a panellised system and is good design for economy. There are many manufactured of panellished systems and volumetric. Precast concrete is a construction material where concrete is cast mold which is the cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into pl ace. Barriers of MMC Some MMC homes builders are less expensive that the traditional methods of construction, increased cost about 7-10%. The reasons of different cost (higher) are difficult to discern because most of projects traditional masonry buildings cost widely. The cost apper high because in the MMC, there are different used of benefits such as better quality of construction, fewer accidents and reflect in project account MMC is the faster construction buildup to 50% and thus reducing labour costs. Capacity is a barrier of increasing the number of houses using MMC. In the two categories difficulties fall: factory capacity to manufacture parts and shortage of skills. Historical overview of sustainable development A great number of civilizations in human history it had been recognized the need of harmony between the society, the environment and the economy. More to the point, sustainable development is a very old idea that focuses, on improving the quality of life without exceeding the environmental supplies of natural resources. Unfortunately despite the predictions, the concept of sustainability gained momentum in 1980s when the problem became extremely obvious (Kenny, M., Meadowcroft, J., (1999). In 1973 was the first time that United Nations discussed about environmental solutions in Stockholm (Langton, C., A., Ding, G., K., C., (2001). Subsequently, the ideas discussed again in the World Conservation Strategy and new strategies were adopted by the governments of fifty countries but with very small practical impact. In 1983 the United Nations created the Worlds Commission in Environment and Development (WCED) and in 1987 they published a report in sustainable development with the name â€Å"Our common future†also known as the Brundtland Report (Langton, C., A., Ding, G., K., C., (2001). According to Langton, C., A., Ding, G., K., C., (2001) this report had critically signaled the rush of thinking for a second time the ways of governing and living as also the need of international coordination and cooperation. In 1992 in Rio Conference was the first time that the worlds leaders discussed about the future of the planet and agreed to set out principles to achieve sustainable development. The major agreement of this meeting was a 900 page program of actions with steps towards sustainable development at international levels. In 1997 the Kyoto climate summit set targets for the industrial countries in order to bring their gas emissions 5% below 1990 levels by 2012. Pioneering ways must be found to ensure that individual behavior and institutional structures will change targets, towards a sustainable future and will understand the consequences of inaction. Sustainable concept To begin with, it can be critically mentioned that the sustainable development should take into consideration the potential impacts on three main sectors, the environmental, the social and the economic; as it has been advised from Munasinghe (1993). Essentially, he advocated that, the natural habitats, the people, and the economy are interrelated and should be managed as a one. Therefore, the environmental approach it can be claimed that is so to protect the biological features, the social concept is to stabilize the cultural system and the economic approach are to maximize the income and preserve the stock of resources (Munasinghe, 1993).Ultimately, it would be imperative to append that some more important concepts in sustainable development are the futurity the equity and the irreversibility. Table 3 provides further details as per those important concepts. Further Important Concepts: Futurity: concern is given not only for the short term horizon, but also for the long term that affect the future generations. Equity: Emphasis is given to the least advantaged in society in order to provide their needs and a fair treatment. Irreversibility: Some types of environmental degradation are not possible to be restored by human ingenuity. Source: Based on Strange, T., Bayley, A., (2008) Objectives of sustainable development Taking into consideration all of the above, hence explicit information that academic definitions are providing; the reviewed literature suggests that numerous previous empirical studies have been conducted based on main advantages supported as a result of the sustainable developments up to date. Economy: Sustainable development is so to promote an economy that improves environmental quality and meet peoples needs. Energy: Reduction of energy use to suitable levels and encouragement of the consumers to spend less energy. Land use: The main concern is to minimize the loss of rural land and to maintain the viability of town centers Forestry: The main issue is the management of forests in a way that sustains their ecological qualities and their productive potentials. Climate change: The key objective is the limitation of gas emissions that contribute to climate change and global warming. Air quality: Key issues: reduction of pollutant emissions in order to improve local air quality and chemical pollution control especially in urban areas. Mineral extraction: The main objective is the minimization of the environmental harm from mineral extraction by the efficient use of materials. Waste materials: Sustainable Waste management can decrease the amount of waste production. The hierarchy of waste management options start with the reduction of waste materials, it then goes to the re-use and finally to disposal. Raw materials The raw materials inputs change depending upon the systems of MMC being factored. Common raw materials including metal, board materials, timber, concrete, class wool insulation. Off-cuts of these materials typically end up as waste within the factory environment. Timber is a raw and recycled material, timber panel products are usually kept separate from the clean timber as they are currently different to recycle. Steel is readily recycled material, due to its value established recycling routes. Also glass wool insulation is potentially recyclable Raw materials are often packaged and it is this packaging that ends up as waste. Packaging wastes have various waste management routes depending on the individual manufacturer. Modern methods of construction are about better product and processes. They aim improve business efficiency, quality environmental performance, sustainability and the predictability. MMC are more broadly based that a particular focus on product MMC should make it possible to build more with the same amount of on-site labor.MMC other than open panel techniques continue to be slightly more expensive than more established techniques but the cost ranges for different techniques overlap substantially, in any particular set of conditions in MMC could be as cost-effective as brick and block or more cost effective. Sustainable development definition One of the most popular definitions for sustainable development was given in Brundtland report (1995): â€Å"Sustainable is the development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†(Kirby, J, OKeefe, P., Timberlake L., 1995). This definition indicates that an activity can be considered sustainable if it doesnt exhaust the natural resources and doesnt have serious impacts to the environment that the future generations will inherit. For instance, if the ozone layer is destroyed, if the green-house gases build up, if the natural resources are exhausted and if water and air are polluted, it is reasonably obvious that this generation dont give the ability to the next one to support their selves. Sustainable development can be considered as: A theoretical framework: a method that will make the world more balanced and holistic. A process: techniques to apply the principles of integration to all decision. A target: methods of fixing the problems Sustainable construction Sustainable construction focuses on the issues of procurement, assembly and Procurement: The processes of procurement introduce the objectives that the contractors must have during the construction. These objectives may include environmental commissioning. It consist matters like site planning, tendering, selection of materials, recycling and waste minimization (Smith, P., F., (2007). standards and reporting requirements. Assembly: The assembly activities are managed by the contractors in order to contribute to the ecological performance. It consist issues as the excavation methods, the reduction of noise, the disposal of wastes and storm-water containment. Commissioning: It gives information of how the design will operate in the future. It should relate performance specifications and maintenance methods. In order the environmental performance of the construction to be improved, the site operatives and the supervisors should have a proper training (Smith, P., F., (2007).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa: An issue of control Essay -- Eating Disorders Health
Anorexia Nervosa: An issue of control As medicine has progressed through the years, so have the avenues for diagnosing the various causes of many disorders. Recently there have been new discoveries about the disorder anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maintain body weight within 15 percent of an individual's minimal normal weight. (2) Other essential features of this disorder include an intense fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image, and amenorrhea (absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles when otherwise expected to occur) in women. (1) Theories about the causes of anorexia nervosa include the psychological, biological, and environmental. This paper will discuss the question of the multiple origins of anorexia nervosa, and attempt to identify a common underlying cause. Conservative estimates suggest that one-half to one percent of females in the U.S. develop anorexia. Because more than 90 percent of all those who are affected are adolescent and young women, the disorder can be characterized primarily as a women's illness. It should be noted, however, that children as young as 7 have been diagnosed, and women 50, 60, 70, and even 80 fit the diagnosis. (5) Like all eating disorders, it tends to occur in pre or post puberty, but can develop at any life change. One reason younger women are particularly vulnerable to eating disorders is their tendency to go on strict diets to achieve an "ideal" figure. This obsessive dieting behavior reflects a great deal of today's societal pressure to be thin, which is seen in advertising and the media. Others especially at risk for eating disorders include athletes, actors, and models for whom thinne... ...he links between mental illness and depression. It addresses a very wide variety of issues. 7)Genetics and Eating Disorders, this site looks at the link between genetics and eating disorders. It also looks at the different medical studies that have been conducted on the topic.; 8)On the Teen Scene, this site looks at the effect of anorexia nervosa on teenagers. It looks at questions as to why it affect that one age group so hard, and its ramifications.;
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay About Family: Families Torn Apart :: essay about my family
Family ties have been a sour topic in my life since as long as I can remember. Through the years I have managed to cope with the reality of being on my own. Though it was not easy, I have been through more than most people my age. One of the hardest things I had to cope with was moving around as much as we did. I was born in Nurnberg, Germany while my father was in the military. When I was two, my parents divorced and I stayed with my father and lost all contact with my mother until I was 18. After they divorced, dad and I moved in and out of three states, and ended up in Wausau. Growing up with an abusive father, and without my mother, was very difficult to manage. To make matters worse, I attended 12 schools before high school, I had no friends. Homework was always a struggle for me, given that I attended 12 different schools. It seemed as if I was always behind or ahead of the class, because the last school was at a different pace or taught things differently. I have grown up without relying on family but relied on myself. Even today I have little or no contact with my family. My mother and all her relatives live in Oregon. I had the pleasure of reuniting with my mother in 1994. When we met again after 16 years I decided to live in Oregon with her. I stayed in Oregon for almost two years by then it was apparent that my mother and I lost the bond that a mother and child should always have. We were separated for so long, and I was at such a young age that I found it difficult to be close to her. I have since moved back to Wausau, and started a family of my own. On occasion I talk to my mother on the phone but this has never been a very fulfilling relationship either. Although unfulfilling, it has allowed for some progress in our relationship. In the same way I have lost connection with family so has Chakkravann "Chucky" Saukom. During an interview with my friend Chuck, I learned some very interesting things. Chuck moved to the United States in 1975 with a "first class ticket from the U.
Friday, October 11, 2019
How is British Culture Represented within Little Britain? Essay
In this essay I will be exploring how British culture is represented in the series Little Britain. Little Britain is a well known sketch comedy that is comprised of mainly two characters; Matt Lucas and David Williams. The title is known to have been derived from a combination of ‘Little England’ and ‘Great Britain’. The first character that I chave chosen to analyse is Vicky Pollard. Obviously, alike with all of the characters that are featured in Little Britiain, this character is fictional, but one may say that this character is used to portray the ‘average chavvy teenager’. For example, she will (usually) always try to integrate her extremely well known phrases (â€Å"Don’t go giving me evils!†,†Yeah but no but yeah but no but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Shut up! I ain’t even dun nuffin’ or nuffin’!†, â€Å"Oh my god! I soooo can’t believe you just said that!†, and â€Å"What-eva!†), simultaneously incroporating tottally irrelevant ‘gossip’ which has absoutely nothing to do with the problem that she has found herself facing. Sterotypically, she appears to wear the same ‘Kappa’ outfit, more commonly known as a tracksuit. Vicks is always presented so do the wrong things, where I believe she is o nly doing it because she knows that it is the opposite of good. Common examples of this would be her abnoxious habbit for teenaged drinking, smoking and pregnancy. Vicky also seems to have the absurd perception of life, where if you ‘originate’ from a poor working class family, then you automatically have low expectations in the future. I believe her point of view to be invalid at this point, because she has (maybe unknownigly) sterotyped all though of whom fall into that catagory to have low expectations life, which, in fact, may only effect a small minorty; those who truely think this perception dictated by Vicky is correct. We can put this through to real life situations too; for example a survey was infact conducted that shows (in Britain), one person is the top 5 rich list, actually has a degree of some variance, which slightly backs up my point. For example, the infamous Richard Branson dropped out of school at 16 without any qualifications to his name, but that did not change his view of the world, and was just used as a sriving force to make sure that he got where he wanted to. Some may not agree that he came from a poor working class family, but leaving (and subsequently dropping) school without any qualification is what Vicky may expect from a poor working class student. The second character that I have chosen to analyse is Dafydd, who to me, bring himself access as a very confused character. His well known catchphrase, is â€Å"I’m the only gay in the village†, where in fact, if anything ‘gay’ really does happened, he is the first the feel intimidated and scared, which shows that he in fact may not be ‘gay’, but just can’t admit it. In excellent example of this would be when Myfanwy organised a â€Å"gay night†for Dafydd within the pub, and once the began to start arriving, Dafydd held a bar stool in his hands and cried out â€Å"get back you gay bastards†. Furthermore, this shows either two things, his original statement to be incorrect, and he only stated it for the attention he may though he’d receive, or two, he can’t â€Å"come out of the closet†about his true feelings to is using this type of violent notions to mask what’s really going on, in my opinon.He has other well known cathcprases including: â€Å"I’ll have another Bacardi and Coke please Myfanwy†, â€Å"Oh it’s so hard being the only gay in the village†, â€Å"Oh Myfanwy there just aren’t any other gays round here†. This all show that he is in denial about his true feeling, and thhey conflict what is actually going on. He is or has been biased in to beliving that just because he is gay, he will be restricting from getting on with his life, and doing the average day-to-day activity. For example he belives, specificially because he is gay, that he will be unable to get a job and therefore is currently une mployed.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Electoral Reform Green Paper: Strengthening Australia’s Democracy Essay
The term electoral system has broadly been used to refer to all elements of procedures used to choose or elect political representatives. However, the public discussion in Australian electoral system has narrowed down since the September polls. These include the mechanism voters preference over set of aspires are captured and further aggregated to produce the results of the elections. The description dismisses the important concerns considered critical criteria which should employed to select the groups, candidates and parties that will appear on the ballot paper. The two critical dimensions of the electoral systems are what Rae terms as ballot structure†and the â€Å"electoral formula.†According to Australian Government Electoral Reform Green Paper, (2013) the ballot structure is the choice of the electoral system that is presented to the electorate on the ballot papers and the procedures of recording their preferred candidate. Notably, the electoral formula is the ru le applied, given specific set of recorded electorates, to determine the victor or the winners. Ballot Structure of the Senate Elections Since 1934, it has been established that the ballot structure of the senate elections has been one full preferential candidate. Essentially, the electorate is the prima facie that the law permits to indicate the order of preference for every candidate appearing on the ballot paper. However, in 1948, the formula for electing the senate was changed from the originally majoritarian one to the version in which the single transferable vote proportional representation. As noted by Bonham, (2013) from the initial application of the system in 1949 until 1993, the number of candidates per vacancy steadily went up. Together with the increased number of senators from each state from six to ten in 1949, and from ten to twelve in 1984, the increased number of the electorate per vacancy produced a shocking growth in the ballot papers. Therefore, the increased length of the ballot papers coupled with the full preferential voting requirement encouraged voluminous number of the citizens to vote by si mply transcribing the numbers from how-to-vote cards given to the voters by the party agents at the polling stations. Furthermore, disparities are observable in the electoral systems as reported by Australian Government Electoral Reform Green Paper, (2013) in its argument, the party voting concept allows the candidates with low votes to legitimately build their votes up to the level of emerging a winner. Besides, the system insists that the votes transferred to them from other candidates must mirror the considered will of the electorate. Unlike the ticket voting, it permits the voters to adopt the preferred order of which they are ignorant of, or they are less concerned thereby surrendering their votes to parties. Besides, the party voting rather than voting individual candidates denies the voters absolute flexibility as a proportional representative voting system. Notwithstanding this, a trend emerged during the period of 1949 to 1983 for the senate elections to use the informal vote. Therefore, since 1970 to 1983, at every senate elections the rating of the informal voting nationally was over 9 percent. However, during the senate elections in 1974, in New South Wales, the voters had a task to order 73 senatorial candidates correctly for them to cast their votes formally. During the tenure of Whitlam Government, the stakeholders opted to retire the requirements for full preferential numbering; however, the overwhelming number of opposition senate in the opposition blocked the Bills. Finally, the current system of electoral system of ticket voting â€Å"above the line†voting system as well as full preferential electoral system referred to as â€Å"below the line†was introduced (Farrell & McAllister, 2003). Notable differences in the two electoral systems are identifiable in the procedures. In the preferential system, the electorate makes decisions on the most desirable candidate to the least. However, when no candidate attains the required majority votes, the candidates in possession of the least number of votes are awarded according to her or his wishes and the following preference is then counted. This process is repeated until that time a particular candidate attains an absolute majority. Unlike the proportional representation system, the above the line system in which the candidates are elected on the preference of their proportional representation in the party. Farrell & McAllister, (2003) points out that the elected surplus of the elected candidate votes of the first quota is then distributed in a fraction that values the continuing candidate of the next preference shown on the line. In a nutshell, the candidates are elected until vacancies are entirely filled. When selecting the senators, the voters use preferential voting system. The preferential voting system allows the voters to list the candidates in their preferred order. The Australian cross-party parliamentary committee has recommended tough and party rules and changes to the voting system of the senates. This is geared towards stopping the minor electoral games. The joint standard committee on electoral matters recommended the changing of the electoral laws for optional preferential above the line voting and optional partial below the line voting in the senate. According to the proposers, this would give the voters’ additional control over the flow of their preference by giving them the option to rank all the parties above the line (Farrell & McAllister, 2003). Above all, the process would make it easier for the electorate to choose to vote below the line requiring ranking a minimum of six candidates. The current senate voting laws, the voters have the power to choose one pa rty above the line. Besides, their preference flows are determined solely by the party, or they must number all the boxes below the line to distribute their preferred candidate evenly. Moreover, the current electoral system leads to election of senate candidates of those occupying their or second group of the popular party. This leads to election of the senators with very small votes. This system differs from the preferential representation system which their tally is an absolute indicator of their support by the people. In fact, in a preferential voting system, these are no scale of measuring popularity of senators. However, they are rather defined by the electorate in terms of comparison with the other candidates. In this voting system, it is easy to conclude on hypothetical examples in which the candidate with zero polls on first preference would have defeated all the other opponents in a head to head contest. The absolute difference in the two voting systems can also be observed in the strategic manipulation of voters, thus sacrificing democratic rights of the electorate. Strategically, most commentators have argued that ticket voting system can be manipulated by preference harvesting. Kelly, (2008) asserts that the system involves micro parties exchanging their voting tickets, hoping party with least votes would ascend to senate. The preference harvesting was clearly observable in the 2013 voting results. Essentially, the preference harvesting differs from the individual electoral process because t is pragmatic. Unlike the representative voting system which considers the ideological alignments of the electorate, the system is based on the basis where the electorate hardly has control on the outcome. It is established in the outcome of the elections that the above the line voting system has no credit to the voters. Above all fundamental differences in the two electoral processes, the outcome of the election should be determined by the wishes of the voters. In the evidence of the last election, there was no observable connection between the preference that the ticket voting system attributed to the voters and the ones they actually held. This raises a key difference in the electoral systems and on which covers the wills of the voters. Proportional representation The common feature of proportional representation is that the political parties must exceed a certain vote threshold in order to win the seats. It is clear that the previous election results have led to effortless demands for electoral reforms with the constitutional objectives addressed. Essential research done on the 2013 election found that the 38 percent of the small parties in the senate were beneficial for democracy. Besides, the most favorable, if the public opinion is to be observed is the abolition of the group voting tickets, currently operational. The proportional representation is critical to chapter seven of the constitution that requires the election process to be left in the conscious decisions of the voters. Thus, the obvious route to consciously respect the constitution in the electoral reforms is to copy the example of the New South Wales and distribute voting preference as the voters allocate them, or authorizes the voters to number the every box above the line. Additionally, the determination of the parties to respect section seven of the constitution is reflected in the representative voting system. According to section seven of the constitution, the senate shall be compost of senators for each state, directly elected by the electorate. Justifiably, the in 1984 the Chief Justice of the High Court rejected the above the line senate voting on grounds that the section required the voters vote for individual candidates as they wish to choose as senatorial representatives (Ghazarian & Monash University, 2010). However, the rule did not admit that above the line voting system amounted to any contradiction other than section seven. Notably, the principle that held by the proportional representation system of the electoral system of the senate must be based on choosing individual candidates rather than parties were, nevertheless, objective. As noted by (Kelly, 2012) more than a single authority involved in electoral reforms suggested that the voting system would be violated by the provisions that limited individual candidates in respect to aggregate of their party votes. Ideally, this is can be observed from the electoral threshold based on individual candidate would eliminate all the major party candidates with the exception of those at the top of the party ticket. Critics of the proportional representation voting system highlights that it not clear that the preference threshold would attain this. They assert that there might not be a handy alternative for challenging the above the line voting system that limited the candidates from choosing their preferred candidate. Besides, holding to the backers of the individuals with the good taste of the proportional representative voting, voting for the parties remains a constitutional disorder (Kelly, 2012). Arguably, it is unreasonable to penalize the political parties performing poorly for failing to meet the threshold seems to pass the consequences to the electorate who voted for them. Besides, democracy foundations of any conscious voting system respects the fact that the vote belongs to the electorate who registered, however, not to a particular party that the above the line voting which happen to give first preference to particular political parties. Happily, a report from Australian Government Electoral Reform Green Paper, (2013) asserts that the adoption of the proportional representative will grant observable credit to the most honest alternative of optional preferential voting above the line. Besides, the electoral body in the line of meeting section seven of the constitution examined photo identification, no-brainer of prohibiting people as serving the state as registered officers for more than a single party and tightening of the late campaign blackout. The senate electoral system should be changed to adopt the optional preferential voting. . The greatest impact of the 2013 election of preference harvesting should be abolished. Notably, the results of 2013 elections were unusual and interesting, preferably in the senate where small parties enter into back door negotiations. This raises the integrity of the voting process and the constitutional threshold. Holding that below the line voting system is constitutionally required, it is wise to argue that the basic criterion for election of the senate should that that puts the democratic rights of the voters in the heart. This can be achieved by allowing the voters to record their preferences truthfully and meaningfully. Therefore, considering the role of the senate in the constitutional reforms, the nearly and easily achievable deal is the OPV. However, the OPV does not achieve it fully. Essentially, the system does not permit the electorate to express equal preference for more than one candidate. Besides, it does not permit voting indifference to be shown with an exception from the least preferred candidate for the voter. The good news holds that the OPV does not require the voter to write large numbers on the ballot paper purporting to express preferences that are never held. But the system will ensure that the numbers on the ballot papers express the true preference of the voters. Besides, the introduction of the OPV below the line will automatically default the use of above the line voting. The key policy for implementation will be to use ne ballot paper to suffice the votes. The single ballot raises expresses as genuine preference the voter holds. Bonham, (2013) argues that unless the voters are required to write more than one ballot paper, vote exhaustion may lead to the election of candidates with less than a quota. Conclusion Voting in Australia is compulsory and uses preference ballot in single seats for the representatives of the house. Today, there are many parties that usually vie for the senate. Although it varies from state, dozens run and some parties gunners no votes. However, due to the preferential allocation system, it is equally possible to be elected to a senate even with less than 14.3 percent of the primary votes (Ghazarian & Monash University, 2010). For instance, in New South Wales the senate papers are printed in 7-point font and the voters are given magnifying lenses to read them. In a nutshell, proportional representation system is advised to lead to proportional results of the election. Besides, parties should win the senatorial seats on the proportion of their vote size. However, to uphold the integrity of the constitution, the senate should adopt democratic voting variations such as single transferable vote which votes for candidates rather than parties. References Australian Government.( 14 November 2013) Electoral Reform Green Paper: Strengthening Australia’s Democracy (2009), at Bonham, Kevin.( 14 November 2013) â€Å"Senate Reform: Change This System, But To What?†, at, accessed Farrell, D. M., & McAllister, I. (January 01, 2003). The 1983 change in surplus vote transfer procedures for the Australian senate and its consequences for the single transferable vote. Australian Journal of Political Science, 38, 3, 479-491. Ghazarian, Z., & Monash University. (2010). Australian minor parties in transition in the Senate, 1949-2007., accessed Kelly, N. (2008). Evaluating Australian electoral reforms: 1983-2007.Kelly, N. (2012). Directions in Australian electoral reform: Professionalism and partisanship in electoral management. Canberra: ANU E Press. Source document
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