Vocabulary for writing essays
Suggestions For Anthropology Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
C Copy 11 Essay
C Copy 11 Essay C Copy 11 Essay Lawyer for Plaintiffs Unrivaled COURT OF CALIFORNIA Province OF SANTA CLARA Boundless JURISDICTION ANNE ANDERSON, an individual, AND ANNE ANDERSON as agent of the bequest of JAMES ANDERSON Plaintiffs, versus W.R. Effortlessness and Co., a California organization working together as â€Å"Cryovac Factory†, and DOES ONE THROUGH FIVE, Defendants ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Grumbling FOR NEGLIGENCE, WRONGFUL DEATH, UNITENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL Trouble Offended parties assert against every respondent as follows: 1. The genuine names and limits of all respondents names in this as Does are obscure to offended party, and are sued by such invented names as per segment 474 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 2. Offended parties are educated and accept and immediately assert that respondent W.G. Elegance and Co. was and is a company properly sorted out and existing under the laws of the State of California with its chief spot of business in Woburn, Santa Clara County, California. 3. Consistently referenced thus, respondents W.R. Beauty and Co. was an organization appropriately sorted out and existing under the laws of the State of California with its chief spot of business in Woburn, Santa Clara County, California. 4. Consistently referenced in this, litigants W.R. Effortlessness and Co. furthermore, Does One through Five were the representatives of their co-litigants Beatrice Foods Inc, and in doing the things hereinafter asserted were acting with the information and assent of every single other respondent. 5. In 1960, respondent W.R. Effortlessness and Co. opened the Cryovac Factory in Woburn, California. The Cryovac Factory was utilized to fabricate hardware for the food preparing industry. Representatives of the manufacturing plant were utilizing the poison trichloroethylene (TCE) to clean their gear that was utilized in the paint shop. 6. W.R. Beauty and Co. is found upper east of Wells G and H inside the Aberjona River Valley channel. 7. During the time of activity of Wells G and H, W.R. Beauty and Co. arranged the poison TCE by dumping drums of the poison into the ground surface. 8. Groundwater from the W.R. Beauty and Co. site moved straightforwardly toward Wells G and H. The poison spilled into the outside of the ground at W.R. Elegance and Co., streamed with groundwater toward the wells. 9. Wells G and H gave water to East Woburn occupants from 1964 through 1979. 10. Synthetic compounds saved on this site have defiled the groundwater. 11. In May, 1979, after water had been drawn from wells G and H through the span of fifteen years, it was discovered that the degrees of contaminants were incredibly high. 12. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a powerful focal sensory system depressant and can cause serious neurological side effects, for example, dazedness, loss of hunger and loss of engine coordination. It can create liver harm at certain introduction levels and cause cell transformations and malignant growth. TCE can be risky whenever assimilated through skin, ingested in water or took noticeable all around. 13. Water sullied with TCE was drawn from Wells G and H and ingested however the water, air and skin through the span of numerous years by offended parties, bringing about an expanded danger of leukemia and different genuine medical issues. 14. James Anderson was presented to TCE during the pregnancy of this mother through utero, on the grounds that his mom drank the tainted water. James Anderson drank the tainted water at his home since his early stages. In January 1972, at three years old, he turned out to be malevolence leukemia. James Anderson passed on from leukemia at twelve years old. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: NEGLIGENCE A. Offended parties reallege sections 1 through 14. B. Respondents have an obligation not to open offended parties to perilous materials. Respondents have an obligation to securely and appropriately discard squander poisons. C. Respondents had an obligation of due consideration toward offended parties and plaintiffs’ decedents in removal of synthetic substances. D. Respondents knew or would have realized that TCE is a hazardous poison that causes genuine medical problems and passing. E. Defendants’ inability to practice the due consideration caused offended parties
Charles Darwin’s Hypothesis
This video is an account that explains diverse consistent surenesses that current significant issues for the theory of progression. This video game plan seeks after a couple of analysts as they present coherent confirmation that solidly bolsters the theory of savvy plot. All through the account they explain how the finches of the Galapagos Island, the cell flagellum, the DNA strand, and various subjects exhibit that the chances of improvement making this erratic universe are about amazing. To begin with, these analysts look at the finches that breathed life into Charles Darwin's theory of advancement. They by and large explain how the modifications of the fowl's noses were a result of trademark decision, which could help the general people's noses essentially change. Regardless, trademark assurance has never been accountable for making the headway from one creature assortments another. These modifications were perhaps acknowledged to better the endurance of this kinds of flying animals on the island by allowing them better access to the food sources. How the building up father's own theory that collected improvement has been disproven by science ought to uncover knowledge into how imperfect this speculation, that is every now and again showed as a sensible law, really is. A second formative issue showed by these analyst, and perhaps the most extreme, is that of the cell flagellum. Suggestions specialist explain how the flagellum capacities much like a run of the mill separable motor, except for on a little level. Each part to this cell mobilizer is essential to the undertaking of the motor. While a couple of segments that make up the flagellum are found in various regions of the cell and could be barrowed for the flagellar association, the larger part are absolutely new to the cell. Per the by and large excepted hypothetical strategy of headway, the parts for this at least fifty piece little scope motor would need to freely make over a great deal of time. The principle issue with this is, according to Darwin's theory, natural selection suggests that these fundamentally pointless parts would be slaughtered from the telephone by ordinary assurance while holding on for exchange pieces to develop that would make the flagellum a working motor. The multifaceted idea of this amazingly created scaled down scale motor is a very solid conflict for the example of clever arrangement. Another issue that these specialists chat in this film is that of the DNA strand. They depict the multifaceted design of the DNA coding, which is fundamentally its own vernacular. The video explains the method of DNA deciphering and protein get together by methods for perfectly fallen amino destructive chains. The huge issue is who sketched out this tongue of DNA? The chances of such a staggering system, which is so key the path toward making and continuing with life, progressing with no shrewd framework is extraordinary. In the chronicles these analysts talk about their own one of a kind journeys of deserting the conviction of advancement to believing in a savvy fashioner. They talk about how these issues acquainted solidify with make it to some degree hard to hold to the conviction of headway. Understanding the conflicts that they explained in this video has energized develop my conviction and appreciation for the smart arrangement found all through our universe. This story finishes an awesome movement of indicating assurances and the quantifiable numbers behind these real factors, which fantastically helped me comprehend their significance. In the wake of watching this video, I for one trust that science has on and on bolstered the view reason for insightful arrangement. Regardless, our guidance systems continue indicating the speculation of advancement like it were a coherent law. As was brought up in the video, various individuals may never anytime think to address whether science and improvement can relate, for the unimportant fact that the thing they are told all through their entire informational experience. It is particularly remarkable that the sensible convictions are sensibly shown to understudies, and that the understudies are permitted develop their true convictions from these real factors. Additionally, this video caused me to ponder and address why more individuals don't altogether consider looking at these real factors to find reality for themselves. I derived that there may be two key reasons this is the circumstance. The fundamental, being that various individuals today don't try to find reality for themselves. Various capriciously seek after what they are told by individuals, that are seen as shrewd individuals, like reality. In any case, I think others, for instance, these culturally regarded cunning sources, essentially swing to progression since it gives them a course around perceiving God as the savvy maker for what we see encompassing us reliably. Finally, this video better equipped me with disputes to shield my certainty using science. There are times when individuals will incite me about my trust in God as the savvy producer of the universe. Since I better appreciate the science displayed all through this story, I can challenge these cynics with a dispute that relies upon consistent assurances rather than explaining it in a manner that may highlight my own feelings.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Theoretical Concepts of TDR
Question: Talk about the Theoretical Concepts of TDR. Answer: Presentation This article has been talked about the traveler goal locale with the hypothetical ideas of TDR. The goal Australia has been decided for the conversation and examination. This paper has been secured about the travel industry of Australia with those elements which make the goal appealing. The paper will recognize the primary guests who visit the visitor goal district. Alongside this, the exposition will likewise concentrate on the particular the travel industry in the chose TDR. The exposition will clarify the standards of reasonable the travel industry of chose TDR. Travel and the travel industry is developing consistently from solidarity to quality as far as commitment to the economy. Australia is presently one of the travel industry goals on the planet. The travel industry of the Australia is contributing in the economy of the nation. Australia is well known as the wine and fish nation over the world. One of the fundamental attractions of the nation is celebrations and occasions that pull in visitors from a wide range of nations (Lansing, Vries, 2007). Acclaimed as the wine nation on the planet, the nation produces world-class wine in excess of 10 unique assortments for the travelers. This area is turning as one of the quickest developing traveler goal in view of consumption done by guests in a decades ago. In this paper, the speculations of manageability, investigation of the travel industry, fundamental fascination of the traveler goal will be secured. The travel industry in Australia Australia is perhaps the biggest division of the travel industry in everywhere throughout the world. It is a major and solid nation and it generally gives solid rivalry to different nations as far as amusement exhibit. Australia is renowned and well known for some angles, for example, celebrations, lodgings, green condition and so forth. Australia is the primary and famous goal for the guests over the world. It is well known for representatives likewise as the nation has rich economy and monetary strength in entire world. Alongside this, the nation is additionally acclaimed for occasions and celebrations which happen in the Australia so as to time. In this way, guests and travelers can have a fabulous time and satisfaction consistently. There are numerous celebrations which are sorted out in Australia as this nation is considered as the made sure about nation for the visitors over the world. There is one factor to be viewed as that the area of the nation is available by everybody. Th is is the explanation; Australia is the renowned travelers goal for the guests (Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development, 2003). Places in sightseers' agendas in Australia Australia has the most extraordinary and distinctive regular habitat of the world. The nation has one of a kind untamed life, scene, and numerous national parks and legacy regions. Australia is renowned and lovely goal for the guests. Numerous individuals come to Australia for spending their get-aways in the nation. Pretty much every city of the Australia have excellent and audacious spot to visit. The urban areas Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Canberra and so on are the urban communities which have great spot to visit for the guests. There are numerous things for sightseers to do, for example, ascending snow-topped mountains, and swimming in water conditions. The spots in the nation are the variety of the travel industry and goal industry of the Australia which has positive effect on the vacationers and guest. The visitors pick Australia because of certain reasons, for example, best offices of lodgings, customers please, and a nation of taught and acculturated ind ividuals. The meeting of the guests has expanded in the nation as the nation offers best types of assistance and loads of occasions. Along these lines, Australia has chance to pull in more visitors by making greater diversion for them so they come and remain for long time (Tourism Research Australia, 2014) Engaging quality of Australia There are numerous alluring elements of Australia that make the nation celebrated and mainstream among the sightseers. The fundamental alluring point for the guests is that the goal is one of a kind and is celebrated for experiential voyaging. That is the explanation; numerous voyagers come in the nation consistently. Voyagers go through heaps of cash and remain in this nation. The nation gives different travel alternatives to the guests including diverse wine creating regions, for example, Clare Valley and Barossa which are environmental factors for Kangaroos. Australia itself is the interesting goal which gives best understanding of get-aways to the vacationers. The fundamental fascination of the Australia is miracles of nature. There are distinctive the travel industry Australian crusades which offer experiential excursions to the clients at the minimal effort. In the travel industry the board if Australia, the nation is giving diverse travel choices at the minimal effort to those clients who have a place with white collar class. There is one more factor which separates Australia from other vacationer goals that nation is attempting to give bunches of exercises to make the excursions critical for the explorers (Khadaroo, Seetanah, 2008). Principle guests The principle guests of Australia are the individuals who need to encounter travel as well as visit the spot with the exercises. For those guests, Australia is giving numerous offices that the voyagers can benefit. The principle travelers in Australia are from Asian nations. They sent loads of sum on movement and the travel industry in the Australian market. Individuals originate from China and India which go through great measure of cash in voyaging. The nation can pull in those guests by giving assortment of exercises to all age gathering. Sightseers seek business reason additionally from everywhere throughout the world. Visitors like diverse culture of Australia. Alongside this, they experience diverse assortment of food and night life of Australia (Seetaram, 2010). Job of the travel industry businesses and associations The travel industry in Australia is speaking to a major part of the Australian economy. The travel industry of Australia is working in a serious market and it is persistently improving its conditions in the worldwide economy. There is a significant pretended by the movement and the travel industry enterprises to make adequacy of movement and the travel industry. It is additionally contributing in the economy of Australia and assuming the noteworthy job in the activity creation for future. The examination of Department of Employment shows that the travel industry division will be the solid hotspot for making occupation and occupation development over the economy (Bramwell, 2011). There is the chance of occupation development in the following five years. In the travel industry divisions and associations, it is required to increment at any rate 10 percent. Alongside this, the travel industry of Australia is intending to build the key the travel industry development by giving offices and supports as far as speculations openings. The travel industry of the Australia is engaged to the improvement of new the travel industry goals and items for the voyagers. With this arrangement, it is normal that the travel industry will develop to average 3.9% every year to 2019. By developing with this rate, the industry will accomplish its income of $1.7 million (Tourism Research, 2015). The point of the travel industry is to build up the Australia as far as social, financial, and natural elements. Australia is the mainstream nation for the voyagers goals because of its offices and spots. The travel industry of the nation attempts to pull in vacationers from different nations by giving novel experience of voyaging. They sort out battles to convey significant level of consumer loyalty and administration quality (Darcy, Cameron, Pegg, 2010). Standards of Sustainable the travel industry Maintainability is significant for movement and the travel industry. Essentially, supportable the travel industry gives direction to the administration of the travel industry to satisfy the social, monetary and tasteful necessities. The travel industry can satisfy those requirements by keeping up social trustworthiness and organic assorted variety. The travel industry is a compelling apparatus to secure the significant territories of the nation. A very much oversaw the travel industry can offer political and money related help to continue the estimations of secured and significant zones. Alongside this, reasonable the travel industry is additionally bundle to expand the comprehension of the earth, social qualities and give best understanding to the guests. It is assessed that around 1.4 million guests come each year to encounter the characteristic scenes and social uniqueness of Australia. Thus, practical the travel industry is the fundamental component of the travel industry methodo logy of Australia as it builds the seriousness of Australian the travel industry and builds up the monetary state of Australia (Ladkin, 2000). The standards of supportable the travel industry of Australia are as per the following: The travel industry is figured out how to give appealing and best quality experience to the guests that give social, financial and ecological advantages. The travel industry of Australia is intended to give work and business chances to the meriting people. The data identified with the regular and social qualities is given to the guests so they will have the option to comprehend the requirement for their assurance. The offices and administrations for the guests are dealt with the standard of greatness which uncovers the status of the travel industry of Australia (Christofakis, 2010). The targets of Australian the travel industry enterprises is to give best quality encounters to the guests as far as inviting, associating and raising the mindfulness about social and common estimations of the better places. Alongside this, maintainable the travel industry is additionally useful in accomplishing monetary and social advantages by the travel industry. With the difference in innovation, it is additionally imperative to speak with the vacationers in this way, the travel industry is utilizing inventive approaches to speak with the guests during visits (Kapferer, 2012). End The article is fundamentally examined about the travel industry of Australia and the viability of Australian the travel industry over the wor
True Brand Loyalty Essays - Brand Management, Brand Loyalty, Brand
Genuine Brand Loyalty Genuine Brand Loyalty Presentation An organization's principle question comparable to selling their items or administrations use do be: ,,How would I get individuals to purchase my item? These days organizations still extraordinarily value the response to this inquiry in any case, they have additionally understood that getting clients isn't the main thing they have to do. In the present quickly moving world buyers don't stick with items forever. Promotions and an expanded sentiment of autonomy have made purchasers that will switch brands or items when the want to do as such. What organization's search for in this customer condition is making a purported brand steadfastness. This paper will investigate the ways organizations go about in making this brand dependability and it will explore the conditions and impacts that accompany it. It will beginning of by completely clarifying what brand dependability precisely is. After that a review of key achievement factors invigorating brand devotion will be given and we will have a glance at how these elements are affected by various conditions. Models will be given. The connections between brand unwaveringness and brand responsibility and fulfillment will be investigated. At last an end will be reached on how significant brand steadfastness is to organizations and for what reasons. What is Brand Loyalty? Before one can give a definition of brand dependability one initially needs to make the qualification between continue buying conduct and brand reliability. ?Continue buying conduct is the real rebuying of a brand.' So the conduct part of this activity. Brand reliability additionally incorporates ?that conduct's forerunners'. This implies the reason or actuality happening before the conduct. When discussing brand dedication we can once more make a qualification between two sorts: On the one hand we have false brand faithfulness and on the other genuine brand reliability. The previous was characterized by Bloemer and Kasper as the ?(1) one-sided (2) conduct reaction (3) communicated after some time (4) by some dynamic unit (5) with regard to at least one elective brands out of a lot of such brand, (6) which is an element of idleness.' The watchword here is dormancy meaning without responsibility towards the brand. Their definition the last mentioned, and the most significant one in this paper, is actually the equivalent on the first five focuses yet contrasts for the 6th including ?is an element of mental (dynamic, evaluative) forms bringing about brand duty.' In this definition brand responsibility is the catchphrase. In laymen's words genuine brand reliability alludes to buyers staying with a brand out of sentiments of duty towards that brand. For example, when you purchased a container of Prodent toothpaste what's more, you discovered it alright, you won't need to invest any significant energy in looking for other toothpaste brands, since you are now acquainted with it. Be that as it may, for a more brand-unwaveringness delicate item class like brew, the likelihood that a customer will adhere to one brand (like Grolsch Beer) is a lot higher. In the following passage we will presently look at the connection between brand duty and brand dedication. Brand duty Brand devotion depends on the sum of brand duty. The measure of duty isn't fixed, yet can be considered as a continuum. The measure of duty depends on the sort of brand fulfillment. In this article, two kinds of fulfillment are taken into account. For this paper, a qualification must be made among show and idle brand fulfillment. To begin with, what is brand fulfillment? Bloemer characterizes it as the result of the abstract assessment that the picked elective (the brand) meets or surpasses the desires (pp 314). Bloemer then makes a differentiation among show and inactive fulfillment. The differentiation fundamentally lays on the level of elaboration. This thusly relies upon the degree of inspiration and limit that a specific buyer needs so as to assess the item. Show fulfillment is the outcome of a high level of elaboration. Dormant fulfillment depends on the reality that the customer isn't completely mindful of his/her fulfillment, on the grounds that of an absence of inspiration as well as capacity of the customer to assess his/her brand decision (pp.315). The linkage among fulfillment and brand dedication Numerous literary works have been composed on the connection between brand steadfastness and shopper fulfillment. This connection appears to be very self-evident. Later on we will manage an article from Bloemer what's more, De Ruyter (prospective) in which they present some directing impacts on this connection. Be that as it may, before we do this, we will depict factors that impact customer fulfillment. In this regard Oliver (1981 1993) furnishes us with some intriguing bits of knowledge. Oliver depicts the procedure of purchaser (dis)satisfaction with assistance of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Women in the work place (is there still glass ceiling Essay
Ladies in the work place (is there still biased based impediment - Essay Example Look for patrons and tutors: Mentors ought to consistently have the option to sofa or train you in zones of trouble or less information by simply following their strides. They don't really need to be individuals in high administration levels. Those in the top might not possess energy for you. Patrons are top or senior level people or pioneers who can settle on choices in an association. They should be eager to advocate for you. Be a daring individual: Adjust your mentality towards disappointment and never get frightened. Continue wandering into a few chances to improve your insight and experience. Possess certainty and take energy for individual systems administration for back up incase of a bumble. Create enthusiastic knowledge: You should bear mindfulness and figure out how to tune in before you respond. â€Å"Seek first to comprehend and afterward to be comprehended †Stephen Covey†. Morals and your set of accepted rules mean a ton to the individuals that encompass you. Individuals consistently need to work with somebody who has respectability, mindful and
Media Torrent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Media Torrent - Essay Example In his article â€Å"Supersaturation, or The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling†, Todd Gitlin states his perception and gives adequate proof supporting the way that media has extraordinary impact on our lives. Directly from the hour of development of TV and web, media has been affecting the lives of people whether it is through print, TV, movies or interpersonal interaction sites. Anyway one may consider the way that the idea of media immersion has experienced a few huge changes since the time Gitlin’s article was distributed. There are numerous confirmations outlined by Gitlin that help his thoughts of â€Å"super-saturation†and â€Å"disposable feeling†. The strict significance of â€Å"super-saturation†is to expand the centralization of arrangement past immersion. The word â€Å"super-saturation†is utilized by Gitlin for characterizing the idea that how the cutting edge society has totally consumed the web and media. The general public is totally submerged in the pictures and tattles that are being shown by media. There is no unmistakable line present, which recognizes living space from working space. External world has attacked the inward universe of individuals. Gitlin utilizes the expression â€Å"disposable feeling†on the grounds that people today are effectively changing starting with one inclination then onto the next, one embarrassment to another, without putting forth attempt to really discover the shrouded truth. I totally concur with Gitlin’s thoug ht that media has its effect on our lives through a few methods and its part have steadily drenched in our every day. We can without much of a stretch watch the measure of motion pictures and TV shows being viewed and amount of CD’s and cameras being utilized in today’s current world. Gitlin states that the broad utilization of web has not reduced the utilization of media however has influenced the progression of boundless media. I do bolster the reality introduced by Gitlin that Internet has reformed the utilization of media. Our hyper-interceded world is influenced by web, all things considered, changing over us from media clients to media makers (Gitlin). Gitlin’s article somewhat makes light of the gigantic impact that web had on the general public at the time it was written. In spite of this reality a large number of the focuses proposed by Gitlin are as yet substantial in today’s world. The rise of the long range interpersonal communication site â⠂¬Å"Facebook†is the case of the realization of Gitlin’s perception. This site is known for giving its clients hyper-intervened understanding as it permits them to transfer photographs, recordings, messages and give them assortment of courses through which they are permitted to communicate. Facebook media is not quite the same as the inalienable media as on this person to person communication site a mass populace is acting of viewing different people’s exercises. 600 million Facebook clients effectively take an interest in this procedure of acting and viewing. They make their own reproductions through their profiles. Individuals become rulers, sovereigns, evil presences, holy messengers and embrace their preferred character, which is far away from the real world. These sites have made a virtual world that is a long way from the real world. Gitlin has additionally expressed that people today have the position to make their own substance. This recommendation of Git lin can be handily suggested to the open nature of Facebook where people build up their unique substance and depict it in a manner not quite the same as the real world. An incredible experience is no
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care - 1375 Words
Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care (Research Paper Sample) Content: Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care Students Name: School Affiliation: Abstract The Latinos are Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fastest-growing minority group and accounts for 15% of the US population. However, a significant portion of the group still lacks healthcare due to varied reasons. Some of the reasons are cultural and there is need to address them from the same perspective. Findings: at least 20% of Latinos do not have a usual healthcare provide. Some ignore the need for the services citing cultural beliefs. Methods: using the Giger and Davidhizar theory, anurse can help Latinos experience better healthcare outcomes Recommendations: nurses ought to employ the Giger and Davidhizar theory to offer culturally competent care. 1.0 Introduction The healthcare arena plays a critical role of handling health-related concerns for people from various cultural groups. Every medical practitioner strives to offer these services to all people irrespective of their cultural backgrounds. However, the healthcare needs of some cultural groups remain unaddressed mainly to cultural-related differences, beliefs, and attitudes. Many cultural theories and models meant to guide how nursing process ought to take place have been developed and popularized. The following discussion incorporates Giger and Davidhizar theory in discussing the healthcare needs of the Latinos. 1.1 Background The Latino group has been identified as the fastest-growing minority group in the US where it accounts for 15% of the US population. It is further expected that the population will have grown to 29% by 2050 (Livingston, Minushkin, Cohn, 2008). Concerning the groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s healthcare needs, statistics show a disparity whereby many still lack the access to healthcare. Apparently, 30% of foreign-born Latinos lack a usual healthcare provider compared to 22% of those born in the US that lack similar services. A further 32% of Latinos whose main language is Spanish do not have a provider compared to 22% of the same group with English proficiency. Still, 49% of the Latinos that have lived in the US for a period not exceeding five years do not have a healthcare provider compared with 21% of the same that have lived here for at least 15 years). Though the Latinos have a lower prevalence of chronic conditions than other US population, the groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s diabetes and obesity prevalence remain higher than other groups (Livingston et al., 2008). A significant portion of Latinos access health-related information from various sources including the internet, television, and newspaper. Surprisingly, over one-fourth of Latinos report that they do not have access to health information especially from medical practitioners. Interestingly, high school graduates lack a usual place for medical care but their reasons are somewhat ironic. In the study, Livingston et al., (2008) reported that 45% of the students are insured but hardly seek medical care. Upon further inquiry, many responded that their reasons for not seeking medical care were that they hardly feel sick. 2.0 Applying the Giger and Davidhizar theory The model has six dimensions that seek to tackle various cultural areas. The dimensions include communication, social organizations, space, biological variations, and environmental control. The model argues that nurses ought to recognize and appreciate the cultural differences, values, customs, and beliefs exhibited by patients. To offer relevant and effective healthcare services, the model opines that nurses need to possess skills and knowledge in cultural competency. Essentially, a culturally competent nurse ought to help patients to access satisfactory healthcare and ensure positive outcomes (Giger, 2011). The modelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s position is that every individual is culturally unique and ought to be handled as such. It, therefore, advocates nurses ought to help patients as per the latterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s culture without bias. 2.1 Communication Nurses using the Giger and Davidhizar model to help the Latinos need to understand how communication works in the sharing of information. According to this model, communication in culturally competent care is imperative and leads to the sharing of information, ideas, and feelings between the nurse and the patient. Communication is often characterized by the use of touch, tone, rhythm, and body posture (Giger, 2011). Thus, a nurse needs to understand how a Latino communicates using these elements and respond accordingly. As seen earlier, most Latinos avoid seeking medical care not due to cost but as a result of a culture. Therefore, a nurse needs communicate with such a patient without sounding prejudicial. At this stage, the nurse will obtain all the information from a Latino and use it to help the patient. 2.2 Space In the Giger and Davidhizar model, Space dimension entails the intimacy and distance techniques applied when verbally and nonverbally communicating with others. While communicating with patients, nurses need to be aware of the interpersonal space. Space includes personal, intimate, public, and social and consultative. A nurse has to know Latinosà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ territoriality which is a feeling toward a personal area. A violation of a patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s intimate and personal space can lead to discomfort and result in the patient abandoning treatment (Giger, 2011). While helping a Latino patient who might be suffering from diabetes, the nurse will need to know the space and offer relevant assistance. A nurse can avoid the violation by communicating with the patient without mentioning the latterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cultural habits and beliefs that might be perceived as intrusive and offensive. 2.3 Social organization In this model, Social organization entails the manner in which a particular cultural group organizes itself in the area of the family group. In some groups, the family group remains the most influential social organization and change emanating from this area is strong. Social organization in the area of family deals with religious beliefs, structure and organization, values, and role assignments in a cultural group (Giger, 2011). In case such groups hold religious beliefs, it embraces the trend as a culture, treats senior family members with respect. In the case Latinos, many still hold on to religious beliefs and esteem their families highly. Further, most Latinos exhibit low levels of individuality and place emphasis on the well-being of the family. Most family members support each other in various areas of life including health-related needs (Valentine, Godkin, Doughty, 2008). A nurse helping a Latino patient can use this information to ensure positive outcomes. Such a nurse could ask the patient to be accompanied by another relative especially one that is highly esteemed by the client. For instance, a young Latino patient could be accompanied by their parents since the young patient is likely to accept the advice given by the parents. Further, the parent is likely to offer vital support to the patient hence fast-tracking the recovery process. Such support is imperative since most Latinos delay healthcare, ignore minor illnesses, and often drop out of treatment as soon as symptoms disappear (Livingston et al., 2008). The nurse needs to have this knowledge to ensure they offer culturally competent care. 2.4 Environme...
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